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5 reasons to consider solo travel

dfa.co.za 2 days ago

Solo travel is here to stay as a growing number of people are choosing to embark on journeys of self-discovery, seeking adventure and enlightenment in the far corners of the globe.

Solo travel is not just about travelling alone, ‘it’s an adventure into the depths of self-discovery and empowerment’. Picture: Unsplash

THE prospect of freedom and uninhibited exploration are some of the biggest influences in the solo-travel trend.

According to a survey of female solo travellers, 46% said that the feeling of freedom and independence drives their decision to travel alone. Another 22% said they don’t want to wait around for other people, while 15% of respondents claim that solo travel is a way to challenge themselves and gain confidence.

Sigal Nassimov-Geva, COO of Premier Hotels & Resorts, also testified to the popularity of solo travel and said that the independently-owned hotel group has seen a remarkable uptake in the popularity of solo travel.

“More and more people are choosing to embark on journeys of self-discovery, seeking adventure and enlightenment in the far corners of the globe.

“Solo travel is about discovering who you are when no one is looking. It can be done independently or on a group tour. It’s when you leave behind everyone you know and embark on a trip and when you plan and navigate the trip by yourself,” said Nassimov-Geva.

She said the trend is not just about packing a bag and hitting the road alone, it’s an adventure into the depths of self-discovery and empowerment.

“In a world where connection is often prized above solitude, solo travel offers a unique opportunity to explore not just the world around us, but the world within. For some people, enjoying a solo trip comes naturally.

“Others have to work on how to travel alone. Most who do, fall in love with it,” she said.

If you’re keen on embarking on a solo travel adventure, here are a few reasons why you should head out for a great solo adventure.

The call of the unknown

According to the hospitality expert, the allure of solo travel lies in the freedom it offers – freedom from the constraints of schedules, obligations, and expectations.

“It’s a chance to follow your own rhythm, to wander without a destination in mind, and to embrace the serendipity of the journey. There’s a certain thrill in stepping into the unknown, in venturing into unfamiliar territories armed only with curiosity and courage,” she said.

Rediscovering yourself

Nassimov-Geva also noted that solo travel is more than just visiting new places, it’s a journey of self-discovery.

“Away from the familiar comforts of home, you’re forced to confront your fears, push your boundaries, and rely on your own instincts. In the quiet moments of solitude, you have the space to reflect on your life, your dreams, and your priorities,” said the hospitality expert.

She added that it’s a chance to reconnect with yourself, to listen to the whispers of your heart and to rediscover the person you truly are.

Building confidence and resilience

“Navigating the world on your own can be daunting, but it’s also incredibly empowering. With each challenge you overcome – whether it’s navigating a foreign city, overcoming a language barrier, or making new friends – you grow stronger and more self-assured.

“Solo travel teaches you to trust yourself, to adapt to new situations, and to find solutions to unexpected problems,” said Nassimov-Geva.

She said that it’s a crash course in resilience and the lessons you learn on the road will stay with you long after the journey is over.

Cultivating connection

The hospitality expert also said that contrary to popular belief, solo travel is not synonymous with loneliness as it often fosters some of the most meaningful connections, both with others and with yourself.

“When you travel alone, you’re more open to meeting new people, striking up conversations with strangers, and immersing yourself in different cultures.

“Whether it’s sharing stories with fellow travellers in a hostel dormitory or connecting with locals over a shared meal, solo travel reminds us that human connection knows no borders. The people you meet and the advice they offer will greatly enrich your trip,” she said.

Learning to chat to strangers

Another reason to embark on a solo journey is that it helps you learn how to start a conversation with a stranger, which can be challenging; however, these conversations can be trip-changing, if not life-changing.

She said that many skills can be developed through this, and you are never too old to learn them.

Taking time to settle in

And finally, Nassimov-Geva said that in a fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and it can be difficult to arrive in a new city alone.

“Take your time. Take a day to relax, watch the city function and gain different perspectives. Solo travel offers a respite from the constant noise and distractions, allowing you to slow down and savour the present moment.

“Whether you’re watching the sunset over a pristine beach, hiking through a lush forest, or simply enjoying a quiet meal at a sidewalk café, solo travel teaches you to be fully present – to appreciate the beauty of the world around you and the joy of simply being alive,” she said.

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