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Hon Festus Adefiranye, Impression That Lawmakers Collect N300M Is Incorrect

awardnobs.com 6 days ago

Hon Festus Adefiranye, Impression That Lawmakers Collect N300M Is Incorrect

The Oke-Igbo/Ile-Oluji/Odigbo Federal Constituency of Ondo State is represented by Honorable Festus Adefiranye in the House of Representatives, and he has refuted reports regarding the allowances that lawmakers get. Adefiranye revealed that, in contrast to popular belief, he did not receive the N300 million that many had expected when he assumed office.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

In a Premium Times interview, Adefiranye clarified that even the price of renting an apartment for a year in the federal capital territory would not be covered by his four-year housing allowance.

He stated, “The impression is that immediately after you resume at the National Assembly, you collect N300 million. When I came, I was expecting N300 million. I’m still expecting it till today.”

Adefiranye emphasized the harsh reality of the allowances they collect, saying, “The housing allowance they gave us for four years is not enough to pay for one year of rent. The impression that lawmakers have collected vast amounts of money is incorrect.”

He was upset about the false impressions, pointing out that during his first time in office, he had a lot of requests from voters who needed help paying for things like weddings, birthing ceremonies, medical costs, school fees, and rent.

These requests sprang from the false assumption that legislators get N300 million right away when they are elected.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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