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Collaboration with employers of labour key for Tinubu’s reforms to succeed —NECA DG

tribuneonlineng.com 2 days ago

COLLABORATION with the Nigeria Employers Consultative Association (NECA) has been identified as key instrument to drive the reforms being introduced by the President Bola Tinubu-led administration.

This is because the Organised Private Sector is a major stakeholder and a driving force of the economic growth of Nigeria’s economy.

Director-General of NECA, Mr Adewale-Smatt Oyerinde, said this at the third edition of the Nigeria Employers Summit in Abuja.

Oyerinde said President Tinubu’s administration, within one year in office, has introduced different fundamental reforms that would shape the growth trajectory of the country. He said the reforms affects everybody in one way or the other, adding that it has affected the private sector and already affecting Nigerians and households.

“One of the aims of the summit among many others is not just to interrogate the reforms but to find a way where we can create a deeper nexus between those reforms. It is also to create an environment where the private sector can play a major role in facilitating the achievement of the objectives of those reforms as all reforms have their own objectives,” he said.

Oyerinde said the Federal Government needs credible organisations such as NECA to help drive the reforms to a logical conclusion. “It is also to let government know that much can be achieved when we deepen the collaboration with the private sector and government towards the fulfillment of the eight-point agenda of this administration because without the private sector involvement in those reforms, much cannot be achieved,” he added.

On the sideline of the summit, NECA called for a comprehensive embrace of green economy for economic growth sustainability.

In a message titled, ‘Green Economy in Today’s Business World,’ NECA outlined basic information on why green economy should be pursued by the Nigerian government in collaboration with stakeholders.

The message read: “A green economy fosters sustainable development by minimising environmental impact and conserving natural resources while driving economic growth and social inclusion.

“Transitioning to green economy is essential for businesses to thrive sustainably, meet market demands and contribute to a resilient future.”

It added that a green economy will mitigate climate change, preserve biodiversity, stimulate innovation, create jobs and equally enhance resilience. It says that it will also balance growth, conservation, and social equity.

The employers also canvassed that embracing green practices not only benefits the environment but also delivers tangible economic, social and health advantages and also paves the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future.

NECA also called for practical steps towards the implementation of green economy. It listed adoption of sustainable practices as the first step. “Implement energy-efficient technologies to reduce energy consumption and costs. Reduce waste like paperless operations, reusable packaging’s and proper waste segregation. Promote and encourage recycling programmes for materials like paper, plastic, glass and electronics to minimise landfill waste.

“Define clear objectives by establishing measurable goals; progress tracking and continuation of improvement.

“Internal engagement should revolve around education and empowerment of employees about green practices, encourage participation in sustainability initiatives and recognise achievements. External collaboration with suppliers, consumers and partners to promote sustainability and foster a culture of shared responsibility.”

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