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How your organisation can achieve ambitious net zero targets for Wales

business-live.co.uk 2 days ago

Experts from Coleg Sir Gâr’s Green 24 initiative offer employers free support to achieve their net zero targets for 2030

In 2021, the Welsh Government set ambitious net zero targets to achieve by 2030. They are critical to Wales’ broader commitment to combatting climate change and fostering sustainable development.

As the deadline grows closer, many businesses and employers in almost every sector are still unclear on how they can reduce their carbon footprint. But help is at hand from the experts at Coleg Sir Gâr’s Green Skills Academy and its Green 24 programme.

Below, Jemma Parsons, head of the Green Skills Academy, explains how you can find the right solution for your organisation’s specific green needs -

What is net zero?

Green 24 can help your organisation gain the skills you need to become net zero

Achieving net zero means that the amount of greenhouse gases emitted will be balanced by the amount removed from the atmosphere. It’s a goal that requires substantial efforts across all industries in Wales, and each organisation’s target will be different.

There’s no denying that becoming net zero presents challenges, but exciting opportunities also exist. This drive towards sustainability can be a strategic pivot for your organisation, leading to long-term economic benefits, resilience against climate risks, and enhanced reputation.

The net zero target also aligns with global trends, positioning Welsh businesses favourably in the international market. Companies that proactively embrace this shift are likely to find themselves ahead of the curve, reaping the benefits of increased consumer preference for sustainable products and services, access to green finance, and compliance with evolving regulatory standards.

What should businesses be doing?

The 2030 targets expect businesses to take proactive, strategic measures

The 2030 targets expect businesses to take proactive, strategic measures. This might include a range of actions, from making their own independent sustainability pledges to outsourcing training opportunities to improve the green skills of staff members.

First, you’ll need to assess and measure your business’s carbon footprint. In addition to emissions from operations, you’ll need to consider your supply chains and the lifecycle of your products.

Implementing energy-efficient measures is crucial. Where possible you’ll need to identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption. This can include upgrading to energy-efficient lighting and heating, optimising manufacturing processes, and implementing smart energy management systems. But of course, organisations will always need power.

Transitioning to renewable energy sources of energy is the next logical step for many organisations. Some may choose to invest in on-site renewable energy generation such as solar panels, but purchasing green energy from certified suppliers may be more practical for many businesses. This transition will not only reduce emissions but also mitigate the rise in energy costs.

However, it's important to remember that meeting the deadline is only the start. Often the best investments are those that will help your team to understand, adopt and maintain sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and enhancing recycling efforts, across your operations.

How can Green 24 courses help?

Jemma Parsons, head of the Green Skills Academy, says the right solutions are out there for businesses

The Green 24 programme exists to provide free training to organisations and individuals in Carmarthenshire with the vital knowledge and skills they need to become net zero by 2030.

It aims to demystify sustainability and share greener working practices that help organisations and the public to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes training to secure IEMA-certified qualifications, as well as sessions delivered through a range of events and community outreach activities.

Coleg Sir Gâr’s Green Skills Academy, which delivers the Green 24 programme, also works with organisations and employers from outside of Carmarthenshire, who seek to upskill their workforces through hands-on and practical learning opportunities.

Get in touch with Green 24

It’s never been easier to upskill your team. All IEMA courses are free, thanks to funding from the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund. Green 24 can even coordinate tailored training sessions that are industry-specific, maximising your business’ opportunity to develop its green skills and sustainability strategy.

To find out how Green 24 can help your organisation gain the skills you need to become net zero, visit www.colegsirgar.ac.uk or email greenskillsacademy@colegsirgar.ac.uk.

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