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Fidelity Bank reaffirms commitment to support SMEs

Hallmarknews 2 days ago

Fidelity Bank Plc has said it would partner with other stakeholders to put lasting solution to the challenges facing startups in Africa.

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Fidelity Bank Plc, Dr Nneka Onyeali-Ikpe, in her speech at the recent Africa Technology Expo stated that the bank is working on a digital-based SME business hub to facilitate networking and collaboration among startups, content creators and other digital entrepreneurs.

“At Fidelity Bank, we are convinced that Africa can be the hub of emerging technology and we encourage stakeholders to close ranks to tackle the two main constraints to start-ups tech growth, namely: lack of investment, an internal issue, and inadequate support, an external issue.

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“This informs our decision to partner with SPARK Africa and other stakeholders to host the African Technology Expo a platform for startups and participants to meet with investors, growth partners and network among leaders in the industry. We are convinced that the 2024 edition can kick-start Africa’s digital transformation and spur growth across communities and economies. Fidelity Bank seeks to water the seeds for this Digital transformation and we are delighted to host tech start-ups aligned with this purpose.”

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