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Amanda Knox: A Complete Timeline of Her Italian Murder Case and Trial

biography.com 1 day ago
amanda knox walks as her arms are held by two police officers, two other officers walk in front of and behind her, she wears a blue sweater over a white shirt, all the officers wears blue collared shirts and blue hats
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In late 2007, the eyes of the world were drawn to the Italian city of Perugia after the gruesome murder of a foreign exchange student and twisted tales of sex games gone wrong emerged from its picturesque facade of steep mountain streets and centuries-old buildings.

Meredith Kercher, a 21-year-old from Surrey, England, was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death, with her 20-year-old American roommate, Amanda Knox, and Knox’s boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, emerging as primary suspects. Although all conclusive physical evidence pointed elsewhere, Italian prosecutors focused on the alleged wrongdoings of University of Washington student Knox, whose MySpace nickname of “Foxy Knoxy” spawned countless stories of her being a promiscuous maneater.

Knox and Sollecito were eventually acquitted of the killing, but only after they were twice convicted and spent years in jail. Despite Knox’s hope of fully clearing her name and moving on from the legal saga spanning almost two decades, her June 2024 reconviction on slander charges has brought the case into the spotlight once again.

Here’s a complete look at all the major developments in the case.

Amanda Knox’s First Months in Italy

September 20, 2007: Knox moves into her Perugia cottage

The cottage was already occupied by Kercher and two Italian women in the upstairs apartment and four male students in the one below. Locals considered it a “bad neighborhood,” with drug dealers lingering at the nearby basketball court.

a house sits on the side of a cliff with other buildings, trees and cars in the background
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Amanda Knox and Meredith Kercher’s cottage in Perugia, Italy

October 25, 2007: Knox meets Sollecito at a classical music concert

Following Kercher’s early departure, Knox begins talking to the shy, 23-year-old computer science student she described as an “Italian Harry Potter.” Raffaele Sollecito later visits a bar called Le Chic, where Knox is working part-time as a bartender, setting their brief but intense relationship in motion.

Meredith Kercher’s Murder and Investigation

November 2, 2007: Kercher’s body is discovered

After Knox returns to the cottage in the late morning to find her roommate’s door locked and an unflushed toilet in a bloody bathroom, Italian postal police break down the door to discover a semi-naked Kercher under a blanket, her throat slashed.

November 6, 2007: Knox, Sollecito, and bar owner Diya “Patrick” Lumumba are arrested

Following a night of grueling interrogation, Knox signs a confession in which she admits to being in another room of the cottage while her Le Chic boss, Diya “Patrick” Lumumba, killed her roommate.

Along with the confession, Knox and Sollecito’s problems are complicated by their changing accounts of the night in question. At first, they claimed they were together all night, then they said they were apart for a few hours, followed by statements that they couldn’t remember. In the murder’s aftermath, they go lingerie shopping, which some view as a display of their seemingly carefree attitudes.

November 15, 2007: An incriminating kitchen knife is reported to have been found at Sollecito’s home

a young man sits at a wooden desk and looks to the left, he wears glasses and a pink collared shirt, a computer and papers sit on the desk behind
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Raffaele Sollecito in November 2009

The eight-inch knife has traces of Kercher’s DNA on the blade and Knox’s DNA on the handle. Sollecito later writes that he had once “accidentally pricked [Kercher’s] hand” while the three of them were cooking.

November 20, 2007: Rudy Guede is arrested

Rudy Guede, a 20-year-old student Perugia, is pulled from a train in Germany after investigators find his DNA on bloody prints at the crime scene and inside Kercher’s body. Guede says he had consensual sex with Kercher the night of the murder and that he was in the bathroom when an unidentified man entered and killed Kercher. Meanwhile, Lumumba is released from custody, though he remains a suspect.

January 10, 2008: Sollecito’s DNA is reportedly found on Kercher’s bra clasp

The clasp, retrieved from Kercher’s room nearly seven weeks after the murder, bolsters the prosecution’s assertion that the suspects engaged in a dangerous sex game with Kercher, though it also supports the defense’s criticisms of a sloppy investigation and contaminated crime scene.

The First Murder Trial

October 28, 2008: Guede is sentenced to 30 years in prison; Knox and Sollecito are ordered to stand trial

a man in handcuffs walks in a hallway surrounded by several police officers, he wears a green short sleeve sweater
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Rudy Guede was convicted of Meredith Kercher’s murder and attempted sexual assault in the fall of 2008.

Guede had elected to undergo a “fast-track” trial separate from the other defendants. That same day, a judge determines that there is enough evidence for Knox and Sollecito to stand full trial on murder charges.

January 16, 2009: The Kercher murder trial begins

After 14 months in jail, Knox and Sollecito appear in a Perugia court for the start of their first murder trial. The presiding judge determines that the high-profile proceedings can be held with the media present but no live television coverage.

June 12, 2009: Knox testifies in her defense

amanda knox speaks into a microphone that she sits behind and holds her hands in front of her, she wears a patterned short sleeve shirt with her hair pulled back
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Amanda Knox testifies in her first murder trial, which ended in a guilty conviction before her later acquittal.

Taking the stand for the first time in the case, Knox testifies that she spent the night of the murder at her boyfriend’s home, where they smoked marijuana, made love, and fell asleep. She also refutes the accusation that she and Kercher didn’t get along and insists that she signed the confession that implicated Lumumba only because she was under intense pressure from the police.

November 18, 2009: Guede places Knox at the crime scene

The Knox-Sollecito trial nearing its end, Guede makes headlines during his separate appeal with a spontaneous statement in which he recounts Knox and Kercher getting into an argument before an unidentified man killed Kercher. Guede later sees his sentence reduced to 16 years.

December 4, 2009: Knox and Sollecito are convicted

At the conclusion of a trial that saw more than 50 hearings and dozens of witnesses called, the defendants are convicted of Kercher’s murder, with a teary Knox sentenced to 26 years and Sollecito receiving a 25-year sentence. Additionally, the two are ordered to pay more than $7 million to Kercher’s family, and Knox ordered to pay Lumumba around $60,000 for defamation.

June 27, 2011: The appeal begins

Knox and Sollecito’s appeal opens with Guede testifying against his former two co-defendants. He also denies a claim by another convict that Guede had confided to him that Knox and Sollecito were innocent.

July 25, 2011: Forensic experts call the evidence into question

Two court-appointed experts testify that the knife reportedly used in the attack carried no trace of blood and that there was no DNA on the bra clasp that police used to implicate Sollecito.

October 3, 2011: Knox and Sollecito’s convictions are overturned

An appellate court jury of six citizens and two judges overturn the convictions of Knox and Sollecito in Perugia. Knox, who had delivered a tearful statement in Italian earlier in the day, is overcome by emotion and assisted out of the court.

a woman sits in a chair next to amanda knox who is also seated, knox cries as her hands are held in front of her chest palms together
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Amanda Knox returned to Seattle with her mother, Edda Mellas, after her murder conviction was overturned in October 2011.

The Second Murder Trial

March 26, 2013: Italy’s highest court orders a new trial

Italy’s Court of Cassation reopens the case by overturning the acquittal. Knox, who had since returned to Seattle and was set to release a book about her ordeal, decried such a ruling “when the prosecution’s theory of my involvement in Meredith’s murder has been repeatedly revealed to be completely unfounded and unfair.”

Sept 30, 2013: The re-trial begins

Three months after the Court of Cassation issues its reasoning that criticized the “deficiencies, contradictions and illogical” conclusions of the appeals court, a new trial opens in Florence without Knox and Sollecito present.

January 30, 2014: Knox and Sollecito are reconvicted of murder

Following 11.5 hours of deliberations, a jury convicts Knox and Sollecito for a second time and the judge tacks on two-and-a-half years to Knox’s sentence. Sollecito is ordered to surrender his passport, while Knox, legally in Seattle, won’t have to worry about extradition unless the ruling is upheld.

March 27, 2015: The convictions are again overturned

The Court of Cassation ends the long-running legal saga by overturning the convictions of Knox and Sollecito, save for the former’s defamation of Lumumba. Knox released a statement describing herself as “tremendously relieved and grateful” for the outcome.

Recent Developments: Damages and Slander Conviction

January 24, 2019: Italy is ordered to pay damages to Knox

While her legal problems were already resolved, the European Court of Human Rights additionally orders Italy to pay Knox more than $20,000 in damages for the harsh interrogation she endured early in the investigation. “I am grateful for their wisdom in acknowledging the reality of false confessions, and the need to reform police interrogation methods,” Knox writes afterward in her blog.

June 5, 2024: Knox is reconvicted of slander in Italy

amanda knox holds hands with a man in a blue plaid suit, a woman and another man in a suit walk on the right
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Amanda Knox arrives at an Italian courthouse in June 2024 for a hearing in her most recent slander case.

More than nine years after her second acquittal in Kercher’s murder, Knox returns to Italian court for a re-trial on slander charges related to her initial interrogation and signed confession falsely accusing her former boss Lumumba of the killing. A panel of two judges and six jurors rules for Knox’s re-conviction, ending her hope of fully clearing her name in the years-long legal saga.

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