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Richflood Foundation Calls For Compassionate Approach To Illegal Mining Crisis In Niger

Independent 2 days ago

ABUJA – Richflood Foundation, the implementing partner for Women in Mining Africa (WiM-Africa), has expressed deep concern over the recent arrests of nursing mothers, teenagers, and children at illegal mining sites across Niger State, as reported by one of the national dailies.

Dr. Comfort Asokoro-Ogaji, speaking on behalf of the foundation, emphasized the need for a compassionate and sustainable approach to address the root causes of these issues.

In an interview, the foundation highlighted the recent raids conducted by the Niger State Ministry of Mineral Resources, which resulted in the arrest of vulnerable groups, underscoring the urgent need for comprehensive socio-economic interventions in mining communities.

“As an organization working with WiM-Africa and pursuing its objectives in Nigeria through the ‘Voices of Children from the Pits’ Program, we are dedicated to promoting the welfare of women and children in mining areas,” Dr. Asokoro-Ogaji stated.

She acknowledged the compassionate decision to promptly release nursing mothers and elderly women, emphasizing the importance of treating these individuals with dignity and providing necessary support to transition out of hazardous and illegal mining activities.

The foundation noted that the prevalence of women and children in illegal mining highlights the need for targeted educational and economic support programs. Richflood Foundation and WiM-Africa are committed to implementing the “Voices of Children from the Pits” (VOC) program, which aims to rescue children from hazardous mining sites, raise awareness about the dangers of child labor, and facilitate access to education for these vulnerable children.

In line with the ongoing VOC program, the foundation proposed a collaborative effort with the Niger State government to organize a workshop on August 26, 2024. This workshop will aim to raise awareness among women in mining communities about the importance of education for their children and gather information about affected children to facilitate their enrollment and retention in formal schooling systems.

Richflood Foundation provided several recommendations for consideration by the state government and stakeholders: Providing educational opportunities for children in mining communities is crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty. Education will protect children from hazardous labor and equip them with the skills needed for a better future Supporting nursing mothers and other women in mining communities with alternative livelihood options is essential; Vocational training and microfinance programs can economically empower these women, reducing their reliance on illegal mining.

In addition :Continuous awareness and sensitization programs are necessary to educate the community about the dangers of illegal mining and the importance of sustainable practices; and A multi-stakeholder approach involving government agencies, NGOs, and community leaders is needed to develop and implement effective interventions.

Rita Babatunde, Gender Specialist at Richflood Foundation, stated, “Using a multi-stakeholder approach involving government agencies, NGOs, and community leaders is necessary to develop and implement effective interventions.”

WiM-Africa and Richflood Foundation stand ready to collaborate with the Niger State government and other stakeholders to create sustainable solutions that protect both the environment and the welfare of women and children in mining communities. The foundation looks forward to working together to achieve these goals.

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