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July 2024 Elections – the Muslims have won

mpacuk.org 2024/10/5

Now you might be thinking that we’ve got it wrong.  At the time of writing the votes haven’t been counted, and it has been predicted that as a result of the incompetency of the Tories, Labour will win by a clear margin.  Keir Starmer, isn’t a good thing at all, as Prime Minister for anyone with a conscious let alone Muslims who feel greatly let down by him.

So how could we call this a win?

This is why, the Muslim Ummah has woken up.  It’s taken a Genocide in Gaza to do so, but this sleeping giant will no longer be put to sleep.  Muslims and non-Muslims alike are learning the power of the block Muslims vote.  And this giant has just started to wake up.  Imagine in a few years where wanna be MPs will take us seriously to the extent that they start to actually listen to us, not just dumb us down like they’ve done for so many decades.

Yes, it didn’t happen this year, with a few Zombies still campaigning and promising to vote Labour.  But the majority didn’t.  In Whatsapp groups all over the country, Muslims were asking who to vote for.  The message was clear, the Workers Party, Green, Liberal Democrat, Independents, anyone but definitely not Tories or Labour.

Labour felt the hit, they were scared.  Areas which once were guaranteed Labour seats, wanted revenge for the ‘Starmer right to cut off, food, and power’ comment.  Our people could no longer be bought by a few nice sounding words. We wanted a ceasefire in Gaza, which would have stopped thousands of children from being killed.  Labour failed us, so we are no longer Labour.  Enough is enough.

The giant has awoken and it’s time for us to put him to work.

After the elections, many Muslims will feel disappointed and want to go back to sleep for another four years.

But the dedicated amongst us will invite others to the challenge.

If the MP you wanted in your constituency didn’t come to power this is where you must step up and get on his or hers account.  Lobby them, get your mosque involved, speak to them as a block.  They might ignore you at first, but if you keep at it, your words will start to wear them down.  Keep it polite, and don’t be stupid enough to incite violence, your voice and strategic planning will be enough to catch their attention.

If the MP you wanted did win, then Alhamdulilah.  However, keep applying pressure so they don’t forget their purpose.  A free world for all, including Palestinians in the own land.

Keep going, the battle for justice has just begun.  Help us hold the MPs to account, join us.

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The best type of Jihad (striving in the way of Allah) is speaking a true word in the presence of a tyrant ruler”. Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi, who categorized it as Hadith Hasan,

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