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Aged 88, Gen Moses Ali finds groove for 2026 poll run

monitor.co.ug 2024/10/5

What you need to know:

Rtd Gen Moses Ali, 85, has declared his intention to defend his parliamentary seat in the 2026 General Election.

The 2nd Deputy Prime Minister says he still wants to lead the people of Adjumani West Constituency because he has unfulfil business in government. 

“Some people speculated on social media that I was dead, but I want to tell you that I am still alive,’’ Gen Ali told the electorates in Adjumani last week.

“How many times shall I be buried? I have not died, the day I will die, you will be informed. I will contest again and if you are not happy, it is upon you,” he added. 

Gen Ali says he wants to find solutions to the long-standing Apaa land conflict, the construction of the bridge on Laropi on River Nile, the construction of the Adjumani Obongi Terego road, and the building of a bridge in Sinyaya. 

Last week, he joined traditional dancers, with his walking stick to prove to the public that he is still strong to lead the people of Adjumani West.

His pronouncement to contest drew mixed reactions, especially from some of the people who contested with him. 

Mr Santo Adrawa, a former aspirant for Adjumani West Constituency seat, described the pronouncement as “laughable”, but said Gen Ali is welcome to contest because it is his civic right. 

“This has always been the test of our political maturity. The big test was in 2021. The next election in 2026 is for self-determination,” Mr Adrawa said. 

Gen Ali is commonly known as the Cock, because of his shrewdness, popularity and determination.

The Cock nickname is interpreted to mean that once it crows, the chicken listens and that once the General gives directives, his constituents abide.

The cock also epitomises the strength of a head of a family.  

Who is Gen Ali? 
Gen Moses Ali was born on April 5, 1939 at Meliaderi, Atabo Parish in Pakele Division in Adjumani District.

After he completed his O-Level certificate at Old Kampala Senior Secondary School in 1966, he had numerous military training courses such as cadet officer, paratrooper instructor in Uganda and company commander in Israel.

In 1969, he was commissioned to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and appointed officer in charge of  training in the Uganda Paratrooper School.

In 1971, he was promoted to a Major and commander of the paratrooper school.
In 1972, he was promoted to Colonel.
In 1972, he also enrolled in Staff College at Camberley in UK where he earned a Degree in Military Science.
In 1973, he was appointed Minister of Provincial Administration and
In 1974 he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier.  
Between 1998 and 1999, he studied at Holborn College of London.

On November 16, 1986, the Uganda National Rescue Front (UNRF) rebels led by Gen Ali joined Uganda government forces. The official occasion took place at Arua airfied.

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