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10 Wrestling Legends, Ranked According To Bret Hart's Ranking System

thesportster.com 2 days ago

Bret Hart is one of the greatest minds in pro wrestling history. Bret's love for pro wrestling can't go understated, and he has never been shy in getting his real thoughts across in every single aspect about the business.

Bret Hart's Definitive 10 Best WWE Matches, Ranked Featured Image

Bret Hart is one of the best WWE wrestlers of all time and he was a top star in the 1990s. Here are Bret Hart's ten best matches in WWE, ranked.

Bret came up with a great ranking system for wrestlers, that takes into consideration three of the most important aspects of the business, which include a wrestler's look, their promo skills and their ability inside the ropes. In this article, 10 wrestlers will be selected and ranked based on each of these three categories.

The Ultimate Warrior Is One Of The Most Controversial Wrestlers Ever

Many Wrestlers Disliked Working With Him



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The Ultimate Warrior was one of the biggest stars of WWE's Golden Era, as his unique look and mystique appealed to many fans. He defeated Hulk Hogan for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 6 in one of the biggest matches ever, and while he rose to the top of WWE in one of the most star-studded eras ever, he still left behind a hampered legacy for many reasons.


Ultimate Warrior ascended to the top of professional wrestling at a breakneck pace, but was gone way before fans received their dream matchups.

Many wrestlers had negative experiences working with Warrior, as he showcased a lack of interest for the wrestlers he was working with, and only cared about the amount of money he was getting at the end of each show. Along with his backstage behavior, his in-ring work left a lot to be desired, as his moveset was extremely limited. His promos haven't aged very well, as they sounded extremely cartoonish and uncanny, but Warrior's intensity was truly remarkable.

Diesel Made A Huge Impact During The 1990s

He Held The WWE Championship For Close To A Year



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After starting out in WWE as Shawn Michaels' bodyguard, Diesel rose to superstardom rather quickly, as he became a Triple Crown winner in his first 2 years with the company. WWE launched a rocket on Diesel's back, but his run on top didn't go according to plan.

Diesel always had a great look, but his promos and in-ring ability were very lacking. While Diesel had a few stinkers in the ring during his WWE Title reign, he could always deliver when in the ring with elite workers like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. After his reign came to an end and Diesel became a tweener, his promos drastically improved, and as he jumped ship to WCW, Diesel became a lot more comfortable on the microphone.

Hulk Hogan Was A Polarizing Figure In Pop Culture

Hogan Helped Turn WWE Into A Global Juggernaut



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Hulk Hogan was the biggest name in wrestling for two decades, and he played a vital role in expanding wrestling internationally. He held multiple world titles throughout his career, and after his babyface act had lost some steem in the mid 1990s, he turned heel and became Hollywood Hogan, forming the nWo in the process and reviving the business in a struggling period.

While Hogan's impact on wrestling can't be argued, many fans debate over his qualities as a wrestler. Hogan was never a great wrestler in terms of technical ability, but he could always tell a story inside the ropes and get the crowd on their feet. Hogan's promos may have been extremely repetitive throughout his career, but they fit the era he was wrestling in and his swagger on the microphone could always make up for it.

Mick Foley Elevated Multiple Wrestlers Throughout His Career

His Unique Personality Made Fans Adore Him



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Mick Foley is known as the Hardcore Legend, but his presentation was much more than just being a wrestler who typically partook in hardcore matches or moments. After making a name for himself in WCW, ECW and Japan as Cactus Jack, Foley made his way over to WWE in 1996 and became Mankind, a deranged psycho. Right from the get-go, Vince McMahon wasn't a fan of Mick Foley's look and wanted to cover up his face. The Mankind mask gave him an eerie presentation and Foley was able to get the gimmick over, feuding with The Undertaker in 1996.

Mick Foley's Definitive 10 Best WWE Matches, Ranked Featured Image

Everyone knows Mick Foley is one of the most entertaining WWE wrestlers ever, but people rarely give him the credit he deserves for his great matches.

Foley could have great matches with any type of wrestler under every stipulation, from regular singles matches to hardcore and Hell in a Cell. Along with his great skills inside the ropes, Foley's personality was his best trait, with his 3 faces of Foley proving to be extremely successful with audiences. He was able to leave lasting memories during the Attitude Era, which include being thrown off the Hell in a Cell by The Undertaker and winning the WWE Championship on Raw. Foley never had the best look, but he used it to his own advantage and with his brilliant work in and out of the ring, he became one of the biggest legends in wrestling history.

Kurt Angle Is One Of The Most Entertaining Wrestlers Ever

He's Also Considered One Of The Best Technical Wrestlers Ever



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As an Olympic gold medalist in wrestling, Kurt Angle was a natural when it came to his ability inside a WWE ring. However, he had to adjust to the entertainment aspect of the business, and Angle was surprisingly quick to do so, coming up with clever ways to rile up fans before his matches. Angle quickly became one of WWE's main heels, along with being one of the best in-ring workers in all of wrestling.

Angle had one of the most impressive rookie years in WWE history, winning the King of the Ring tournament and every singles championship in the company. He became a staple name throughout the 2000s, excelling as both a heel and a face, and being able to go from a goofy persona to a hard-nosed competitor.

Triple H Had A Unique Wrestling Career

He Was Part Of Some Of The Greatest Factions In History



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Triple H had one of the most successful careers in wrestling history, winning 14 World Championships and being featured in some of WWE's most memorable rivalries. His career experienced many different chapters which all led up to where he is today, currently serving as WWE's Chief Content Officer.

Triple H first made a name for himself as a Connecticut Blueblood known as Hunter Hearst Helmsley. This gimmick worked initially, but Triple H took a huge leap after forming D-Generation X alongside Shawn Michaels and Chyna. His personality grew and he became a much better talker on the microphone, along with being a solid in-ring worker. Over the years, Triple H evolved and gained a huge legacy that not a lot of people expected him to achieve.

The Undertaker Is One Of The Most Beloved Legends In History

His Longevity Is Unprecedented



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The Undertaker had a legendary 30-year WWE career, as he easily became a staple in wrestling history due to the mystique and aura of his character. Upon Undertaker's debut at the 1990 Survivor Series, fans were stunned at the sight of him, and that reaction never disappeared for the next 3 decades.

Undertaker's character evolved through time, as some of his most famous renditions include the Deadman and the American Badass. With a career this long, Taker has produced multiple classics inside the ropes against the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Edge. While 'Taker has worked with multiple legends throughout his career, he's had the unfortunate task of working with wrestlers that no one could get a lot out of, including Mabel and Giant Gonzalez. Despite that, the presentation of Undertaker's character and his iconic rivalries, returns and matches, make him a prime candidate on any wrestling Mount Rushmore.

The Rock's Charisma Made Him A Trailblazer

Rock's Stardom During The Attitude Era Went Beyond Wrestling



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The Rock played a huge role in making the Attitude Era what it was, as his personality easily connected with fans and he was able to get his work over as both a face and a heel. His star power has stayed steady almost 3 decades later, as he recently main evented WrestleMania 40 in a marquee tag team match.

It wasn't always sunshine and roses for The Rock in his WWE career, as his initial babyface run failed and he needed to completely reinvent himself. After he joined the Nation of Domination, Rock's personality and promo skills improved, and his act felt a lot more natural. Afterward, he's experienced a career of tremendous success in and out of wrestling.

Ric Flair Made A Name For Himself Outside WWE

Ric's Wrestling Career Lasted For Almost Four Decades



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As the "Nature Boy", a nickname also used by the first ever WWE Champion Buddy Rogers, Ric Flair became a huge star in Jim Crockett Promotions. As the WWE began to rise in popularity, Flair established himself as JCP's biggest star. His unique style of promos and classic matches against the likes of Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat made him a recognizable name in every territory across North America.

According to WWE, Flair is a 16-time World Champion, although that number may vary according to different sources. During the early 1990s, Flair left WCW after a fallout with Jim Herd and shockingly joined WWE. However, his first run in Titan Sports was extremely short-lived, and he returned to WCW back in 1993. After WCW closed its doors in 2001, Flair finished the rest of his full-time career with WWE, adding to his worth as one of the most legendary figures the wrestling business has ever seen.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Became A Cornerstone Of The Attitude Era

He Helped Swing The Momentum Towards WWE's Favor During The Monday Night Wars



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Stone Cold Steve Austin was one of the most impactful wrestlers in WWE history, as his rise in popularity culminated in a new boom period for the company. Austin made his WWE debut in 1996 as The Ringmaster, which was a gimmick that was supposed to highlight his ability inside the ropes, but never gave him a chance to reach unprecedented heights.

After winning the 1996 King of the Ring tournament, Austin developed a cold blooded persona who would go after anyone who stood in his way. Austin's feud with Bret Hart proved extremely successful, as Austin became the biggest fan favorite in the company and WWE were well on their way to surpassing WCW in the TV ratings. Austin won his first WWE Championship at WrestleMania 3, and he experienced a great run on top that established one of the most beloved periods in wrestling history.

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