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Prevent slide into chaos

Daily Nation 3 days ago

Many good things have been said about the protests by Generation Z against the high taxes and other government shortcomings. The message has reached the intended target, with President William Ruto not just dropping the unpopular Finance Bill, 2024, but also offering to hold talks with the young Kenyans in the search for tangible solutions.

However, the gains from the demonstrations by what has been described as “a leaderless, tribeless and non-partisan” group that cares only about the need to address the problems afflicting young Kenyans are now severely threatened.

The countrywide protests on Tuesday and earlier ones have degenerated into orgies of looting, chaos, violence and destruction of property. It is highly unlikely that these youthful protesters would be inflicting pain and misery on the very people, whose rights they are fighting for.

Either goons have on their own just seized the moment to loot property, or there could be a hidden hand behind this ugly side of the demos and things could be getting out of hand. This explains the suspicion that the looters might have been hired by people or groups that would like to soil the image of the anti-government protesters.

Whatever the case may be, the excesses that have been witnessed do not augur well for the country. The people are exercising their constitutional right to picket or protest, but when crimes take centre stage, this negates everything.

It is in the interest of the public, and, of course, the protesters and the government that these issues are highlighted and solutions sought.

This is not possible in a highly poisoned environment where criminals are wreaking havoc. People have been killed, and property damaged. The goons must be stopped.

Security agencies must flush out the criminals to prevent a descent into total chaos, anarchy and mayhem. After all, their key mandate is to protect all citizens by maintaining law and order.

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