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Peacekeeping: Nigeria Dispatches 177 Troops to Guinea-Bissau

prnigeria.com 2 days ago
Military Troops during operations

Peacekeeping: Nigeria Dispatches 177 Troops to Guinea-Bissau

Nigerian Troops to be deployed to Guinea-Bissau for peace keeping mission on Wednesday in Jaji Military Cantonment

The Nigeria Army on Wednesday, announced the deployment of 177 personnel for a peace keeping mission in Guinea-Bissau.

The Chief of Operations, Nigerian Army, Maj.-Gen. Boniface Sinjen, made the announcement at the graduation ceremony of troops of Nigerian Company 3 ECOWAS Stabilization Support Mission in Guinea-Bissau, at Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre (MLAILPKC) Jaji.

He said, “Guinea-Bissau is grappling with political instability and institutional crisis, which poses a significant threat to peace and sustainable development in the sub-region.”

He, however, said the Nigerian Government, through ECOWAS, stood united with the Government and people of Guinea-Bissau.

Sinjen said the graduation reaffirmed their unwavering commitment in supporting the Government of the Republic of GuineaBissau to consolidate its authority.

This is in order to address the security challenges, strengthen democratic governance and foster stability in the country.

” This deployment is in line with the mandate of the mission which has been extended severally to consolidate the relative peace and stability in the country.

“You gallant men of the Nigerian Army have been trained by this renowned Centre of Excellence to play that critical role.

“This Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) has equipped you with the necessary tactical skills and knowledge to support the government of Guinea-Bissau in stabilizing the country.

” I therefore urge you to remain committed to upholding the principles of ECOWAS peacekeeping operations, “he said.

The chief of operations charged the troops to conduct themselves professionally in accordance with these guidelines of the mission.

“You will be operating in a complex and diverse environment, where various ethnic groups coexist.

” I implore you to maintain the highest level of professionalism, discipline and respect for human rights and the sovereignty of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

“As ambassadors of Nigeria, your behaviour will reflect on the nation’s image, so I urge you to uphold the highest standards of conduct and maintain the integrity of our esteemed profession,” he said.

Sinjen urged them to embody the core values of the Armed Forces of Nigeria and refrain from any actions that could compromise the mission’s objectives or undermine our nation’s reputation.

He emphasized that the Armed Forces of Nigeria have a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual exploitation and abuse.

“Any personnel found guilty of such offenses will face severe consequences,” he warned.

Sinjen cautioned that drug trafficking and abuse were grave offences that would not be condoned in any form.
“The Nigerian Army’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of discipline and integrity remains unbroken,” he added.

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Report By: PRNigeria.com

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