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Cross River State Police Command Arrests One Suspected Kidnapper, Rescue Abducted Victim

crossriverwatch.com 2024/6/24

The Cross River State Police Command has arrested a suspected notorious kidnapping gang leader known as “Tallest” and rescues one abducted victim Kingsley Eyo Andem.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) SP Irene Ugbo, said the arrest was executed by a team of policemen drafted from the Anti-Cultism and Kidnapping Squad (ACKS) on 5th June 2024. The suspect was apprehended following the release of Prophetess Emmanuel Otu, a resident of Nyangassan by 2nd Transformer in Calabar Municipality, who was kidnapped on May 25, 2024 and released on 29th May 2024.

Acting on credible information, officers of ACKS trailed and arrested “Tallest” in the CUDA environs. 

According to the PPRO, he is currently in police custody, and an investigation has commenced to determine his involvement in various heinous crimes, while efforts are ongoing to apprehend his accomplices.

In a related development, on the same date the ACKS unit went after a group of hoodlums who had abducted an 18-years old Kingsley Eyo Andem from his home and taken to the creek in Nyangassan axis.

“The police team swiftly mobilized to the crime scene. Upon sighting the police, the hoodlums fled into the creek, abandoning their victim, Kingsley Eyo Andem, an 18-year-old male, who was found with multiple injuries inflicted by his abductors,” Irene said.

Investigation revealed that Kingsley Eyo Andem was attacked based on allegations of dating the gang leader’s girlfriend identified as “Olismam”, the mastermind behind the brutal act.

She noted that the Command has intensified efforts to apprehend the gang members and ensure they face justice in accordance with the extant laws of the land.

Meanwhile, the State Commissioner of Police, CP Gyogon Grimah, has extended felicitations to Muslim faithful on the occasion of Eid-el-Kabir.

The CP assures Cross Riverians and the public of the Command’s commitment to maintaining law and order.

He encourages all citizens to remain law-abiding, prayerful, and exhibit a spirit of patriotism for peaceful coexistence. “Let us work together for a purposeful Cross River State and a better Nigeria.”

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