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Nigeria:  Nigeria: n Army Begs for Divine Intervention in Battle Against Insecurity

nigerianbulletin.com 3 days ago

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Nigerian Army requests public prayers to combat security challenges during NADCEL 2024. Major General Yusuf emphasizes the need for spiritual support and intelligence sharing. The appeal highlights the military's multifaceted approach to national security, combining tactical efforts with community involvement and divine intervention.

In an unprecedented move, the Nigerian Army has called upon citizens to offer spiritual support through prayers as the military grapples with ongoing security challenges. Major General Usman Yusuf, Director-General of the Land Forces Simulation Centre, made this appeal during a special Juma'at prayer held in Abuja to mark the Nigerian Army Day Celebration (NADCEL) 2024.

The request comes amidst escalating security concerns across the nation, with the military facing various threats including insurgency and banditry. Gen. Yusuf emphasized the importance of divine intervention alongside tactical efforts, stating that prayers for the country's leaders and armed forces are crucial in overcoming current obstacles.

Alongside spiritual support, the army official urged citizens to actively participate in the fight against insecurity by providing valuable intelligence. This dual approach of prayer and practical assistance underscores the military's recognition of the need for comprehensive community involvement in addressing national security issues.

The NADCEL event, celebrating 161 years of the Nigerian Army's existence, serves as a platform to reflect on the institution's journey and achievements. Captain Salisu Musa, the Brigade Imam, used the occasion to highlight the role of proper religious education in combating extremism and violence.

This unusual request for spiritual backing has sparked discussions about the relationship between faith and national security in Nigeria. It also raises questions about the current state of military resources and strategies in tackling persistent security threats.

As the nation continues to face complex security challenges, the army's appeal for divine assistance reflects a multifaceted approach to problem-solving, combining traditional military tactics with spiritual and community-based strategies.

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