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Peace & security: Religious group harps on unity among Nigerians

Blueprint 2 days ago

 A religious group known as “Brotherhood of Cross and Stars (BCS) has stressed the need for Nigerians to remain united.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that as part of the inaugural Abuja Evangelical Outreach 2024, members of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star called for unity among Nigerians. 

This was the main thrust of a Peace March organized by BCS from Eagles Square to Unity Fountain, symbolizing the need for national unity. 

Speaking at Unity Fountain in Abuja, a cross section of leaders of BCS who spoke to NAN on the sidelines of the event on Saturday, emphasized the significance of the walk.

They urged Nigerians to set aside selfish interests and work towards national unity.

PCS Amah Williams, the Spokesman of BCS said the essence of the walk was to showcase peace and to tell the entire world and particularly Nigerians that this is no time to push the ideas of segregation and ethnicity.

“This is the time for all Nigerians to come together and stand in unity because that is the only way we can prosper and progress as a people in this country.

“It is also important to note that before anything takes place in the physical, it must be consolidated in the spiritual.

“What you have witnessed here today might look small in the eyes of men, but before God, this is the foundation of Nigeria’s unity and I can assure you that going forward, observe what will happen in the next two to three years.

“You will see that Nigerians will begin to speak more of unity and act in a direction that will unite us more, rather than taking actions that will segregate us and bring problems to out country.

“So, the spiritual foundation. has been laid and the physical will begin to manifest very soon,” he said.

Bro Julius Nyananyo, the Director of Protocol, BCS said

“We thank the Father for what we are experiencing here today. If you were there at the inter-religious conference on Thursday, it was a religiuos dialogue of all sects.

“So, the essence of brotherhood is oneness, that is the foundation. If you remember in the scripture, Christ gave only two laws; love God with your heart and soul and love your neighbour as yourself.

“BCS is re-emphasizing that law because if we love ourselves, we will not run into all these crisis we are seeing today. There will be peace, sustainable growth and development void of segregation and ethnic sentiments.

“In a nutshell, that is the spiritual essence of why we have gathered here. This is the nation’s capital and this Fountain of Unity is the symbol that the entire Nigeria is represented here.

“As the children of Israel marched round and it crumbled, in the same vein, we have marched round this unity fountain and we believe this simple action we have taken here today, will break down all the walls of segregation, ethnic sentiments and disunity in our land,” he said.

PCS Moses Perekeme Bokeyerinbrabo, a Colonel in the Nigerian Army and Director of Security for the event said it was an opportunity to tell Nigerians that there must be sustainable peace and love for one another.

“We can only achieve all these by staying away from all those things which can divide us and emphasize more on those things which can unite us.

“Just as our Father said in Asaba, Delta State in 2019, Nigeria must go back to its old National Anthem as it is the pathway to peace, justice and equity. 

“It emphasizes brotherhood and unity in the phrase “In Brotherhood We Stand” 

“It’s unfortunate that today, we the Armed forces are still battling to maintain peace in the nation, even after keeping peace in other nations like Sierra Leone and Liberia.

“They say charity begins at home, so it must start from here. There must be sustainable peace in our land and we must show love for one another,” he said.

NAN also reports that the activities culminated on Sunday with a programme themed “Celebrating the Universal God of Creation” at the state headquarters in Karu.(NAN)

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