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Internship Experience at Police Headquarters, Mediation Cell, Prayagraj: No Stipend; Cooperative Coworkers; Helpful

lawctopus.com 2024/10/6
Lawctopus’ Online Course on ADR - Arbitration & Mediation

This internship experience has been submitted by Rashi Gupta, a 2nd-year student of United University, Uttar Pradesh, and Lawctopus Campus Leader.

Name of the Student

Rashi Gupta

College and Year of Study

United University; 2nd Year

Name and Address of the Organisation

Police Headquarters, Mediation Cell, Police Lines, Prayagraj.

Duration of the Internship

2 days

How did you Apply?

The head of the department sent me after talking with the DCP.

First-Day Formalities, Infrastructure, First Impression

We went there and they asked me to fill in the details in their register for maintaining that. Then they offered me to sit and the proceedings started. There were 6 mediators in the police headquarters mediation cell, and various cases used to come on a daily basis. Infrastructure needed renovation.

Main Tasks

The main task was to observe the proceedings and try to build the ability to find out the best possible way to save the relationship between husband and wife. And also to make a report about the main crux that I have learned in the mediation cell for 2 days.

Work Environment

The work environment was really good. Everyone there was very cooperative. Mediators were trying their level to save the marital relationship, the mediators also used to help in each other’s cases when they were unable to help which is the great thing about the workplace.

Good Things

To save the marital relationship is the biggest help and the mediators were trying to save that relationship. First, they used to listen to all the problems of both the parties and in the end they used to give some more time to think about their decision of taking divorce rather than saving it.

Bad Things

I didn’t find anything bad in the mediation process as they were doing really great but due to lots of communication and misunderstanding between the parties they used to shout at the officers which sometimes resulted in chaos or fights between officers and parties.


No stipend.

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