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How to Sustain a Relationship: 12 Principles That Are Needed

Marriage 2024/10/5
Couple enjoying their cozy moment

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Life throws us curveballs, doesn’t it? Sometimes, even the most cherished relationships can feel the strain. It’s like navigating a choppy sea – one minute you’re basking in sunshine, the next, you’re battling rough waves. But imagine having a sturdy compass by your side, guiding you back to calm waters.

Think about Jennifer and Nick, for instance. Lately, they haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye. Jennifer feels unheard, while Nick feels constantly criticized. They both yearn for the connection they once shared. This is where the compass comes in – those core principles that help us navigate the inevitable bumps in a relationship.

These principles aren’t rigid rules, but rather guiding lights to steer us towards deeper understanding, respect, and of course, love. This discussion explores these essential principles that help us learn how to sustain relationships, acting as your map to navigate the journey towards a resilient and fulfilling partnership.

What do principles in relationships refer to?

Principles in relationships are like the cornerstones of a strong building. They’re the essential qualities that create a foundation of trust, respect, and understanding. These principles aren’t one-size-fits-all rules, but rather core values that guide couples through challenges and help them nurture connection.

Knowing how to sustain a relationship means understanding these principles – things like effective communication, empathy, and shared goals. By incorporating them into daily interactions, couples build a resilient partnership that thrives through life’s ups and downs.

12 principles you need to sustain a relationship

Couple using laptop together

In our journey through life, relationships are our anchors, offering love, support, and joy. To maintain such relationships, certain principles act as guiding stars. Understanding these can deeply enhance how we connect with our loved ones. Let’s explore these fundamental principles together.

1. Communication

Communication is crucial in learning how to sustain a relationship. It involves not only sharing your thoughts and feelings clearly but also listening with an open heart and mind. This process helps in nurturing an understanding that deepens the connection between you and your partner.

Challenge faced: Sometimes, even when you want to communicate, finding the right words can be difficult, especially during emotional moments. There might be a fear of being misunderstood or starting a conflict.

  • Try this: Schedule regular check-ins where both of you can share feelings and thoughts without distractions. Use “I” statements to express yourself clearly and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings. This practice is key in maintaining intimacy in a relationship by ensuring ongoing, open dialogue.

2. Respect

True respect in a relationship involves cherishing each other’s unique perspectives and boundaries. It’s about treating each other kindly and valuing one another’s opinions and feelings. When respect is given and received, it creates a loving atmosphere where both partners can truly thrive.

Challenge faced: It can be tough to maintain respect when disagreements escalate. In heated moments, it’s easy to forget to treat each other’s viewpoints with care, especially if you feel strongly about your own perspectives.

  • Try this: Create a habit of asking for your partner’s opinion and really considering it, especially in decisions that affect both of you. When disagreements arise, take a moment to calm down before responding, ensuring you maintain respect and effectively resolving disagreements in a relationship.

3. Trust

Couple dancing together

Trust is essential and acts as the cornerstone of any committed relationship. Building trust involves consistent behavior and open communication, ensuring that both partners feel secure and valued. Trust fosters a deep, abiding bond that can endure life’s inevitable challenges.

Challenge faced: Trust can be fragile. If it’s been broken before, rebuilding it can feel nearly impossible. Sometimes, insecurities or past experiences might cloud your ability to trust fully.

  • Try this: Be consistent and transparent with your actions and words. Share your thoughts and feelings openly, and follow through on promises. If trust has been broken, consider working with a counselor to rebuild it together.

4. Support

Couple enjoying their time together

Supporting your partner means being their ally in both good times and bad. It’s about providing strength and encouragement, which reinforces your commitment to one another. Understanding and support are vital in managing conflicts in relationships, helping both partners feel understood and valued.

Challenge faced: Life gets busy, and in the hustle of daily routines, it can be hard to find time to provide the support your partner needs. It’s also challenging to know the best way to support them if they’re not open about their struggles.

  • Try this: Actively ask your partner what kind of support they need instead of assuming. Sometimes they might need advice, other times just a listening ear. Make it a point to be present during important events or when your partner is going through a tough time.

5. Forgiveness

Studies show that forgiveness after conflicts directly correlates with relationship satisfaction levels. It can play a major role in determining whether a couple breaks up or not.

Forgiveness is key to moving past mistakes and growing together. It involves releasing resentment and embracing the imperfection of human nature. By forgiving each other, you open the door to healing and a deeper form of intimacy.

Challenge faced: Forgiveness is often easier said than done. Letting go of hurt and not bringing up past issues during future disagreements requires a lot of emotional strength and maturity.

  • Try this: Reflect on the situation and communicate your feelings to your partner. Discuss what both of you can learn from the experience and how you can avoid similar issues in the future. Remind yourself that forgiveness is a process, not a one-time act.

6. Independence

Maintaining your independence is crucial. It means having your own interests and spending time apart, which enriches both your own life and the relationship. Independence fosters personal growth and brings a healthy dynamic to your partnership.

Challenge faced: Finding the balance between being a close-knit couple and maintaining individual independence can be tricky. Too much independence might make one feel disconnected, while too little can feel suffocating.

  • Try this: Encourage each other to pursue individual hobbies or spend time with friends separately. Celebrate each other’s pursuits and independence as contributions to a healthy relationship dynamic.

7. Empathy

Empathy is about feeling with your partner, seeing their point of view, and responding with kindness and understanding. It enhances emotional connections and is fundamental in soothing pains and heightening joys together.

Challenge faced: It’s not always easy to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, especially if their reaction or feelings seem disproportionate or unclear to you. Empathy requires patience and a lot of open-mindedness.

  • Try this: When your partner is upset, try to listen without judging or immediately offering solutions. Say things like, “It sounds like you’re really stressed about this,” to show you are trying to understand their feelings. This approach is essential in cultivating empathy in a relationship.

8. Humor

Couple relaxing at home

Studies show that sharing and appreciating humorous moments with your partner can raise relationship satisfaction levels.

A shared laugh is a thread that binds hearts. Humor brings lightness to the relationship, helping couples to overcome difficulties and enjoy their time together. Prioritizing quality time in a relationship often includes sharing moments of joy and laughter.

Challenge faced: What’s funny to one person might not be funny to another, or worse, it could be offensive. Timing also plays a crucial role in humor—what’s humorous in one situation might not be appropriate in another.

  • Try this: Share funny moments from your day or watch a comedy show together to lighten the mood. Be mindful of the timing and context of jokes, ensuring they add joy and not discomfort.

9. Compromise

Compromise is about finding a fair middle ground where both partners feel their needs are considered. It’s crucial for resolving disputes and maintaining a harmonious relationship. Through compromise, you show that the relationship’s well-being is more important than any individual desire.

Challenge faced: Compromising effectively means both partners have to sometimes give up something they want. This can lead to feelings of resentment if not handled thoughtfully and openly.

  • Try this: When a disagreement arises, each partner can list their priorities for the outcome. Find common ground or alternate between whose preference takes precedence on different issues.

10. Appreciation

Experts have observed that appreciating your partner and their actions can be seen as relationship maintenance behavior as it can have a significantly positive impact on the health of a relationship.

Showing appreciation in a relationship is vital. Regularly acknowledging and expressing gratitude for your partner strengthens your bond. It’s a powerful way to show love and respect, making your partner feel cherished and important.

Challenge faced: Over time, expressing appreciation can be overlooked as you get used to each other’s presence and contributions. Remembering to show gratitude consistently can slip through the cracks amid life’s many responsibilities.

  • Try this: Set a reminder to express appreciation for little things your partner does. Whether it’s a quick thank you text or a note left in their bag, small gestures can make a big impact.

11. Shared goals

Setting and achieving goals together strengthens your bond and ensures you are both moving in the same direction. Whether it’s planning for a family, a dream vacation, or personal growth, shared goals bring a sense of teamwork and achievement to your relationship.

Challenge faced: As individuals grow, their goals might change, which can lead to conflicts if not communicated well. Aligning your goals as life evolves requires constant dialogue and flexibility.

  • Try this: Regularly discuss and update your goals. Make it a fun and collaborative effort by setting aside time for planning your future together, ensuring you both have input and are excited about your shared path.

12. Affection

Expressing love through actions, words, and physical touch keeps the emotional climate warm and loving. Regular affection reaffirms your love and commitment, keeping the emotional intimacy alive in your relationship.

Challenge faced: Different people have different needs and ways of expressing affection. Finding a balance that satisfies both partners, especially if their affection languages differ, can be challenging.

  • Try this: Learn and speak each other’s love languages. If your partner values physical touch, offer a hug or hold hands more often. If they feel loved through words of affirmation, verbalize your love and admiration regularly. This method is fundamental in nurturing emotional connection in a relationship.

To learn more about why we can go cold on our partners, watch this informative video:

These twelve principles are not just guidelines; they are the essence of a thriving, loving relationship. By embracing these values, you and your partner can build a foundation that stands strong against the winds of change, ensuring a lasting and fulfilling partnership. Let’s cherish and practice these principles every day to deepen the bonds of love and understanding.


Handling relationship challenges requires patience and understanding. Here are some further insights into some common concerns:

  • How can I rebuild trust in a relationship after it’s been broken?

Start by acknowledging the hurt and expressing remorse. Rebuilding trust requires consistent, transparent behavior and open communication. Commit to honesty and take responsibility for your actions, demonstrating reliability over time.

  • What should I do if my partner and I have different communication styles?

Identify and understand each other’s communication preferences. Use a mix of both styles to ensure clear understanding. Consider engaging in activities that foster communication, like couple’s therapy or communication workshops, to bridge the gap effectively.

  • Is it normal to have disagreements in a healthy relationship?

Yes, disagreements are normal and can be healthy in a relationship. They provide opportunities to understand each other better and strengthen the relationship when resolved respectfully. Ensure you approach conflicts with the intention to listen and understand rather than to win.

  • How can I balance my personal goals with those of my partner in a relationship?

Communication is key. Discuss your individual aspirations and find ways to support each other. Strive for compromise and flexibility, aligning your goals where possible, and respect each other’s personal growth and achievements as part of your shared journey.

  • What are some signs that indicate a relationship may be in. trouble?

Frequent unresolved conflicts, lack of communication, diminishing affection, and a general feeling of disconnection can be warning signs. If you notice persistent unhappiness or disrespect, these could indicate deeper issues that might require attention, such as counseling or a reevaluation of the relationship.

Final thoughts

The journey of love is a constant dance, with moments of perfect harmony and steps that require a bit more practice. These twelve principles are your partners in that dance, offering support and guidance as you move through life together. 

By embracing them, you cultivate a space where love can not only survive but flourish. 

Remember, even the smallest acts of care and appreciation, woven into the fabric of your daily lives, strengthen the threads that bind you. As you navigate the inevitable challenges, these principles will be there, helping you create a connection that’s not just resilient, but deeply enriching for both of you.

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