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A day in the life of a young girl

Blueprint 2 days ago

My mother once told me that life doesn’t give you what you deserve but what you demand. I took it with a pinch of salt until a recent experience. What’s better than a rainy day and a cosy warm room? I woke up early but felt too lazy to get out of bed. I was also mindful of the mountain of activities ahead of me.

I said my morning prayers and contemplated sleeping for an extra hour. My phone rang. It was my friend. I had discussed with him previously how I had much work to do on that particular day, and he said it looked like it was going to be a wet day. He asked about my plans. I had only a plan. Get dressed and hit the road using buses and taxis. He advised that I should always get a plan B because things might sometimes go differently.

The rain had stopped at this point, so I was motivated enough to start my day. I bathed, dressed, and stepped out, looking fine and flying. It’s just one of those days you feel so beautiful, and nobody can tell you otherwise. I quickly stopped at the shopping complex in my estate to get some passports. It didn’t come out well, but then I told myself nobody could ruin my day.

The weather was quite cloudy, so I requested a ride on my Bolt app. Shortly after my ride came, it started raining cats and mice. At this point, I was so thankful to my friend because it was his idea that I don’t take public transport to work due to the weather so as not to get drenched. He also offered to pay for my ride. I can’t imagine getting soaked in the rain when I have much to do. I feel everyone should have an intentional friend like mine and always have a plan B.

Let me go back a bit. I was admitted into the university in 2019 to study agricultural extension and rural development. I was 16 years old. It wasn’t that stressful. The only thing I had to bother about was to study. I was happy (because nobody got to order me except when I was home for the holidays). Today, I’m in my fourth year at the Federal University of Technology, Minna.

I don’t know about others, but my daily life as a student is like a roller coaster. But some days can be tedious and stressful. I vividly remember a day I cried because a lecturer embarrassed me for not just coming late to class but also for a low grade. He said a lot of hateful things to me. I felt so sad that I had to call my mom and tell her everything that had happened.  She told me, “The best form of revenge is success. It’s okay to fail, but what is not okay is failing again” take your time, try and get higher grades; I know you can do it”. Her words boosted my confidence, and I felt better again.

Fast forward to today, having to do my Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) with an organization I love and enjoy working for. However, my Industry based supervisor always stresses the hell out of me. I already had this weird feeling that my day was not going as planned, but I had to stay positive.

Cab driver: Ma’am, we’re at your destination. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even realize it when I got to the office. Getting to the office, I found out that my supervisor was not on seat, and he had given his colleague my report book and file to give me. I opened it, and he has not done much on them; there is no signature, stamp, comments, grades, or anything. This is something I had to take back to school with me. I was so disappointed and angry at the same time because my file was carelessly kept and rumpled a little.

I sat at the office for about two hours trying to figure out what to do next; my whole day was ruined at this point. Before heading home, I got some food at the Chicken Republic, and someone was kind enough to pay for my food. Isn’t that God compensating me for having a bad day?

Anyway, I was done with my food in no time, and I ordered another ride home. I decided to write about my day. Others might be inspired. We all learn from experiences, good or bad.

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