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How TAYA Learned to Trust God In Every Season

relevantmagazine.com 2024/10/5

TAYA is no stranger to change.

Within the last three years, the renowned worship leader has left her home country of Australia, joined a new church, become a mother and embarked on a solo career. Suffice to say, things look a lot different for her these days.

But regardless of what season she’s found herself in, she’s discovered that one thing remains constant: God. TAYA opened up to RELEVANT about how she’s rooted her trust in God during the changing seasons of life, and how she’s also found joy through the ups and downs and twist and turns.

This conversations has been edited for length and clarity.

Your song Gonna Be Good is so full of joy. Where did the inspiration for this song come from?

My husband, actually. He felt like he got that message from the Holy Spirit before we were moving to America. So that was maybe about three and a half years ago. He felt in the season that we were about to step into, which was just trusting in God and an overseas move and just stuff that we just hadn’t conceived would happen, but was going to happen. There were a lot of unknowns and things that could cause worry if we chose to go down that route. He felt this word from God that we’re meant to trust and be joyful, which is a really funny combination because you would think when you trust in God, you’re trusting in His character, you’re trusting in who He is. He’s omnipresent, He’s omniscient, He knows everything. Nothing is a surprise to Him, nothing shakes Him. He is true, infallible, eternal God — which should be enough for us.

But again, we’re humans and we have doubts. We allow things to creep in. But then so many times we can trust God, and still have these little attitudes of like, I trust you, but this sucks. And my husband really felt we were meant to trust and be joyful, which means that you truly do let go of the worry and you let go of the fear of the unknown.

And so I took some time out early last year, and I really wanted to hear a word from God because I can’t do it without him. I needed direction, so I waited. Eventually He spoke to me through birds through this scripture in Matthew 6 that says to cease from your worry about money. And I had to ask God, am I worrying about provision? Because we’re living in America, and there was a whole bunch of unforeseen things that were yet to unfold when it came to now no longer working at a church and what that looked like and the unpacking of that and finding a new church community and all of this.

So it felt like He was speaking into that season before we even knew that was going be unfolding. My husband at the time wasn’t working, so we were on one income and then unbeknownst to me, I was pregnant at that time. It just turned out to be wild timing and the wild kindness of God.

I felt like God was speaking into all of it for me. And He was saying, “Get your eyes off yourself, look up at the birds.” And in Matthew 6, it talks about how they are careless in the care of God, about how they are just obeying the instincts that God has placed within them. They don’t gather for food, and they don’t freak out. They don’t have a place to rest their heads. But God provides for them. And how much more does our Heavenly Father know what we need? And so I was having that revelation in January of last year as I was starting to write new music.

That reminds me of the line in “Oceans” where you sing “Spirit, Lead me where my trust is without borders.” Is trust something that you’re always wrestling with? 

Yeah I suppose so. I feel like trust is something that I’ll always have as a theme — not just in music, but in life. Like you said, “Oceans” is all about trust. It’s a kind of trust where it says a prayer of asking God to use me in such a way that I will walk out into the craziest deep water, where I have nothing else to lean on, nothing to fall back on, no borders.

I’ve found in every single season, it’s a reminder that trust is a layered thing. It’s not like you say you trust God in one season and then that’s it. It’s like, no, I get to, in this new season, trust Him in a whole new way, in a deeper way, and with things that are perhaps even more precious and that I care about even more.

And yet, I’m not meant to trust any less. I’m actually meant to continue to trust more and grow in my trust. In this season, it’s trust and joy, which has been a challenge and something that hasn’t come easily.

And again, I just want to be very honest. There have totally been days and times where I’m full-on crying, going, “Lord, what have I said yes to?” Or like, “Are you sure I’m the right person?” It’s like imposter syndrome.

Learning where to bring that — not just sitting in it, feeling it, yes, but knowing who to take it to — I take it to God first, and then I’m able to unpack that with my husband and dear, more mature friends that God has placed in our life. It’s something that I don’t think I’ll ever get away from, and I don’t want to either, because I think anytime I think I’ve got this, I’m going to fall on my face.

How are you learning to trust God as you step into this solo career?

I don’t love to be pegged into a particular box, which is hilarious when you’re called an artist because people want to know how to package this. Before recording a song with United, someone told me something that felt like God’s kindness in preparing me not to compare myself to others and to be content with who God wants me to be. It reminded me not to look left or right in comparison or envy but to be content with what God is doing.

I often go back to this advice: just because ministry, leading, or songwriting looks a certain way for someone else, doesn’t mean it has to be that way for you. Don’t put God in a box. Allow Him to do whatever He wants, and be open to that.

I’ve struggled with this a bit, especially being part of United for the last 10 years with its particular sound. It’s an honor to have music that resonates with people and connects them to Jesus. But what’s crazy is I didn’t write those songs. Now, writing my own songs, they will sound different. This first record allowed me to bring everything to the table—my voice, writing style, and my expression of who Jesus is. I love funky soul chords, prefer the black notes on the piano, and write in A flat.

In the last year, stewarding this record and opportunities from God, I’ve realized I need songs for the church because I’m asked to lead worship. Writing these songs has been harder to figure out and do well. My hat goes off to everyone who writes songs for the church. I’ve led them but am just starting to write them. It’s a learning experience.

Hopefully, the second half of this record, which I’m still working on, will include those expressions. It’s another step of faith, trusting God, and learning to be joyful in starting out again. Representing these songs live has been fun. We’ve translated them, played them differently, adjusted speeds, and made them more congregational. I love how malleable the songs are and how they’ve connected with people in worship settings and churches.

I’m excited for what’s to come. I know there will be a live worship record one day, but it doesn’t feel right for now. I hope people will come along on the journey as I follow what I feel God is saying for this season and the ones to come.

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