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States charged on intensifying efforts at averting flood

Blueprint 2024/10/6

The Federal Government has charged the State and Local Government Councils to intensify efforts to avert flood related-disasters as the country approaches the peak of the rainy season.

The Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation, Prof. Joseph Terlumun Utsev while addressing the press at briefing held Thursday in Abuja noted that about 10 States of the Federation and the FCT have started experiencing varying levels of flooding and its associated disasters.

He said rainfall which increases both in frequency and intensity, particularly in southern part of the country, will increase the level of flooding and may worsen the ravaging cholera outbreak.

Prof. Utsev explained that the flood incidents recorded so far were flash/urban floods resulting from high rainfall intensities of long duration and poor drainage systems in urban areas and the metropolis.

According to the minister, Kainji and Jebba Dams on River Niger are still impounding water into their reservoirs, while the Shiroro Dam on River Kaduna is equally impounding water, emphasizing that there’s no release of water yet from any of the dams within and outside Nigeria.

Additionally, he stated that the flow station at Wuroboki on River Benue in Adamawa State is relatively normal at this time, and no water released into the Benue River Basin. “Lagdo Dam is currently filling the Dam for hydropower generation while the proposed Dasin-Hausa Dam in Adamawa State is at advanced stage in the procurement process. The dam is to checkmate the water releases from Cameroon”, he noted.

He therefore urged the States, Local Governments and the general public to take heed to the advice given in the 2024 Prediction, Annual Flood Outlook (AFO), of the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA), and also take necessary measures to prevent the ugly flooding menace of the past years.

Also, the Director General/CEO Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA), Engr. Clement Nze, reiterated on the public presentation of the 2024 Annual Flood Outlook (AFO) by the Agency in April, emphasizing that NIHSA’s function to the public is basically advisory.

He noted that the Agency had stakeholders meeting and sent AFO document to States and Local Government Councils with names of local government areas that are likely to be impacted by flooding. This serves as measures to prevent and mitigate the menace of flooding across the states.

Emphasising on the issue of enforcement, the DG asserted that the State Town Planning Authorities, Ministries of Environment and other state authorities are to ensure proper enforcement by making sure all structures obstructing the free flow of run-offs are removed to prevent ugly flooding menace.

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