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Barrack Obama’s half-sister hit with tear gas in Kenya protests, video shows

Naija247news 4 days ago

WASHINGTON, June 25 (Reuters) – Auma Obama, Kenyan activist and half-sister of former U.S. President Barack Obama, was among the demonstrators tear-gassed on Tuesday during protests outside Nairobi’s parliament building, as shown in a CNN interview.

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Police responded to attempts by protesters to breach Kenya’s legislature with gunfire on Tuesday, resulting in at least five deaths, numerous injuries, and sections of the parliament building engulfed in flames as lawmakers passed legislation aimed at increasing taxes.

Caught in the chaos, Auma Obama was pulled aside by a CNN reporter and asked about her presence.
“I’m here because of what’s happening. Young Kenyans are protesting for their rights. They’re out here with flags and banners. I can hardly see,” she said, coughing and shielding her eyes from tear gas.
“We’re being tear-gassed.”

Behind her, a protester held a sign reading, “Colonialism never ended in Kenya,” while another shouted, “This is our country. This is our nation.”

Earlier, Auma Obama had shared photos of herself from the protest on Twitter.

Former President Obama’s office declined immediate comment on the incident involving Auma Obama or the unrest in Kenya.

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