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2024 WWE Money In The Bank Winners & Losers: Home Run Show As McIntyre Screwed Again and Fatu Impresses

thesportster.com 2 days ago
  • Money In The Bank 2024 WWE Poster
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  • Money in the Bank 2024 was a thrilling event filled with surprises and incredible matches. Here are the winners and losers from the show:
  • Winners:
  • - Drew McIntyre

Two stunning renditions of the U.S. and Canadian national anthems kicked off Money in the Bank from Toronto, Canada. This was a loaded card and just hours before the show, Triple H posted a video that there were going to be surprises and the landscape would change. Needless to say, expectations were high and the show had a big-night feel about it.

There were two ladder matches, a six-man tag match, an IC Title match, a World Title match, and more. Here are your winners and losers for Money in the Bank, 2024:

Winner Loser: Drew McIntyre

A big match to start the night and get the crowd hyped, the early action led to Uso and Knight squaring off in a Yeet vs. Yeah staredown. Their battle was held off as ladders entered the ring, causing a distraction. McIntyre went for the ladder first, but Gable applied an arm lock. Andrade hit Gable with a top rope leg drop catching Gable's foot in the ladder rungs. That got an early holy sh-- from the crowd.

Carmelo hit a springboard clothesline on Andrade who was on the ladder. The crowd chanted "We want tables" early. Andrade hit an inverted Spanish fly on Hayes onto the ladder. It was big spots early and often. Gable hit a series of suplexes that got the crowd excited. They did chant "You still suck", though. Hayes and Knight went after each other for a bit, getting more "this is awesome" chants.

McIntyre cleared house and went for the case. Uso and Knight stopped Drew. Uso hit McIntyre with an Uso splash. Hayes got his shot at the case, but Andrade set up a ladder structure, which meant something was coming. Andrade Sunset flip power-bombed Hayes onto the ladder. Knight went for the case but Gable backdropped Knight onto the ladder outside the ring. Gable went for the case but Uso pulled out the ladder, leaving Gable to hang there. He fell then took a spear from Uso. McIntyre took out Uso as he was about the get the case. McIntyre got the case and won the match.

This was an incredible start to the show. Everyone showed up and showed out. There were so many cool spots in this match and the crowd was hot throughout.

** Later in the night, McIntyre cashed in his Money in the Bank contract to make the World Title match a Triple Threat. CM Punk cost him the matchup as Damian Priest hit a South of Heaven Chokeslam to retain. McIntyre hit a high and a new low, once again, thanks to Punk.

Winner: Sami Zayn vs. Bron Breakker

The Intercontinental Title match was next as Bron Breakker was out to send a message to Sami Zayn. Breakker dominated from the outset. Breakker got arrogant as he toyed with Zayn. However, a spinning DDT gave Zayn a chance to mount a comeback. The action spilled outside the ring and Zayn sent Breakker into the post. Zayn went for a DDT, but got caught. Back in the ring, Zayn hit a blue thunderbomb but couldn't get the pin. Breakker hit a beauty running frankensteiner. Breakker hit a jumping clothesline off the apron into the announce table. Breakker may have hurt his knee on the move.

Breakker reversed a Helluva Kick and hit a body blow, then a gorilla press slam. Zayn reversed and finally hit the kick to secure the pin and retain his title. Again, this was a great match. Different than the first bout, but both Breakker and Zayn were great here. Canada celebrated with Zayn after the win. Breakker watched on during the celebration and was not happy.

Winner: Cena Announces A Retirement Tour

Trish Stratus introduced a surprise guest in John Cena. He ran to the ring to hype the crowd. He then said he was there t officially announce his retirement from WWE. He noted that he will compete for the last time in a number of matches in 2025, culminating in a farewell bout at WrestleMania in Las Vegas.

Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest... vs. Drew McIntyre

A back-and-forth match almost ended when Seth Rollins got an extremely close call on a pin attempt. In shock, Drew McIntyre's music hit and he came down to the ring. He immediately cashed in and the match became a Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

McIntyre went for a Claymore and got hit by a Priest clothesline. McIntyre was getting the upper hand and CM Punk ran in and started beating on McIntyre. He took him outside, hit him with a chair, and choked him with a production cable. There was no disqualification, so it was all legal. Punk grabbed the title and hit McIntyre in the face with it. Priest hit a South of Heaven chokeslam for the win. Punk successfully screwed McIntyre again.

McIntyre loses his Money in the Bank contract and he's going to be livid. Not only that, but Seth Rollins doesn't get another title shot at Priest because he lost the match thanks to Punk's interference. This match was great, but the storyline is even better. There are so many layers to this. Rollins and McIntyre will be ready to kill Punk. Priest will be unhappy he couldn't win on his own. Rollins walked over to Punk to have words and Punk didn't seem to care that he cost Seth the championship or another crack at it.

Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match

This was another brutal match, but in a much different way than the men's match. This was like a car crash and the crowd was up and down, sometimes loud and often collectively holding their breath. Most of the match featured spots that were so questionable, there was an aura throughout that someone was going to get seriously hurt.

As the match moved along, things looked a lot more controlled, and high spots -- while still insane -- more calculated. The live audience popped huge when the tables came out. Chelsea Green and Tiffany Stratton set them up. Inside the ring, there were two ladders set up and all of the competitors were battling trying to position ladders as they fought.

Iyo Sky took out Zoey Stark, leaving Chelsea Green to grab the case. Tiffany Stratton threw Chelsea off the top of the ladder through the tables on the outside. Stratton grabbed the case and won the Money in the Bank contract. The crowd went wild for the winner and all six women who put everything on the line during the bout.

This was a car crash from the opening bell. A lot of it was uncomfortable but in a wildly entertaining way. That was one of the best Money in the Bank ladders matches in WWE history.

Winner: Six-Man Tag Match Main Event

What was positioned to be a ugly war between teams that really didn't like each other, the six-man main event was set to be a battle. Jacob Fatu was one of the competitors, making this his first official match in WWE. Solo was set to start the match and got a "F--- you, Solo" chant from the crowd. Before locking up with Cody Rhodes, Solo tagged in Tama Tonga. Kevin Owens got the tag and was welcomed in with a huge ovation from the Canadian crowd. Orton got a huge pop when he tagged in too. But, when Fatu checked in, the temperature changed.

Fatu no-sold a middle rope DDT, which shocked everyone, including Orton. He hit a Samoan drop and changed the tide of the match completely. Fatu tagged in Sikoa. They wore down Orton until The Viper could make a hot tag to Owens. K.O. came in and took over, but Fatu made the save and dragged Tonga back to his corner to get the tag.

The Bloodline got control again and worked on Owens. Owens was brutally worn down for several minutes. Owens went for a tag, but Tonga Loa pulled Orton off the apron. Fatu kept working over Owens, but missed a corner splash. Cody got the hot tag and hit a disaster kick on Sikoa, a Cody Cutter on Tonga, and a hit everything else. Tonga Loa took a suicide dive bullet for Fatu and hit his head on the announce table. Cody got back in the ring only to get hit with a spear. The ringside doctor even took a shot in the head during the action.

The official got blasted, leaving the brutality to continue without a ref. Orton, Owens, and Rhodes relished the fact they could take shots at Sikoa with no consequence. Rhodes cleared the announce table and planned to powerbomb Sikoa. Fatu intervened but blasted the official again. Owens hit a frog splash through the announce table on Fatu. Owens went for a powerbomb on Tama Tonga, but Loa hit Owens with a low blow. Orton RKO'd everyone, but Sikoa hit him with a Samoan Spike. Rhodes went for three Cross Rhodes but Fatu wiped out Cody with a running tackle off the top rope. He hit Rhodes with an implant DDT. He held Rhodes up for Sikoa who hit him with a Samoan Spike. Fatu rolled the ref back in the ring and The Bloodline got the victory.

This was an unbelievably good main event to end an even better Money in the Bank. This might have been WWE's best overall premium live event of the year. Everything was A+ and there wasn't a miss on the entire card.

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