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Yahu Blackwell Enthroned as Osu Lumor, King Nii Armah Gbejelor “The First”

newsghana.com.gh 6 days ago
Ead B F A Cb C Dd
Ead B F A Cb C Dd

In a historic ceremony in May 2024, Jeroboam Yah Nii Armah Blackwell, known as “Yahu Blackwell” from the Gadangme Tribe (Osu Diaspora), was crowned as “OSU LUMOR,” marking a significant moment for the Osu people.

Hailing from Adu Kpono We, Kinkawe Quarters, Yahu Blackwell was enthroned by His Royal Majesty Teteete Nii Nortey Owuo IV of the Osu throne. He now proudly carries the traditional stool name King Nii Armah Gbejelor “The First,” becoming Osu’s inaugural lineal Noryaa Mantse.

The enthronement ceremony, conducted with all customary rites by the Osu Djaasze and Osu Wurlomo, upheld sacred traditions and symbolized a new era of leadership and unity for the Osu community, instilling a deep sense of respect and reverence.

This historic event has been widely celebrated, honouring Osu’s rich cultural heritage and setting a precedent for future generations to embrace their roots and traditions.

The Osu community eagerly anticipates the reign of King Nii Armah Gbejelor, “The First,” envisioning a future of renewed cultural pride and community cohesion under his leadership, fostering a sense of hope and optimism.

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