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Full Text of Address Delivered By Ibrahim A. Bako Esq., (Outgoing Chairman) NBA Suleja Branch At The AGM to Usher In the Incoming Executives For The Year 2024-2026

barristerng.com 5 days ago
Ibrahim Adamu Bako Esq

My Dear Zuma Bar family,

Alhamdulillahi Rabil Alamin! All gratitude is due to Allah SWT for his mercies and blessings upon us all.

As we gather here today for the AGM, I want to take a moment to reflect on the importance of unity and support within our family. We are all connected through our shared professional calling, values, and love for one another. Let us remember that our strength lies in our ability to stand together, support each other, and lift each other up.

Let us strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for every member, where we can openly share our thoughts, build professional expertise, and improve on our experiences without fear of judgment or rejection. Let us practice empathy, understanding, and compassion towards one another, and avoid malice and hypocrisy. Let us celebrate our differences and embrace our unique perspectives, for it is through our diversity that we grow and learn from each other.

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Indeed, the saying that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step and must definitely end with a step is very true; even if one doubts it, for me I have seen it. On the 30th June, 2022 I started a journey of leading Suleja Bar and today, the 29th June, 2024, that journey has reached its destination.

I am happy to reiterate the crystal fact that our support and cooperation to my predecessor was never in doubt as same fact was stated in the gamut of appreciation presented during the last AGM by the Chairman. We are happy that maturity played its pivotal role and we thank the Almighty for that. In the same vein, I undertake to render all support to Abdullahi Liman’s administration to succeed. It is my prayers that they succeed in moving the Branch to greater heights. As we usher in the new executives, let us commit ourselves to building a legacy that is rooted in love, respect, and unity.

My administration, despite the challenges faced, have been privileged to have executed/pioneered/initiated many programmes for the 1st time in the history of the Branch. In the words of my friend; Abdulsalam Hussaini Esq.: “Ibrahim, my chairman you have done well and posterity will be kind to you”. The administration of 2022-2024 recorded the following achievements:

  1. Provision of a Vacation Court in Suleja Division: in the past, lawyers had to travel to Minna to attend to emergencies during annual vacations. The story has changed with the efforts of my Excos, we now have a sitting vacation Judge to attend to our emergencies.
  2. Passage of the ACJL Niger State: the much talked about ACJL saw the light of the day in our time. We are grateful that we are the pioneers to activate this noble innovation. I led a delegation of the Branch to a workshop in Minna on the implementation of the law.
  3. Recognition of FIDA Suleja Chapter: to the glory of the Almighty, FIDA Suleja was officially recognized during my administration. What honour can be more than this especially considering the fact that in their struggles, we are among the main supporters of FIDA. I became the 1st official husband of FIDA Chairperson and today I will be transferring that title to my brother; Mr. Liman Esq.
  1. Presentation of awards to stakeholders in the Division: as the pioneer, my administration introduced awards to encourage various stakeholders in the justice sector. The awardees who are to be honoured today are mostly people who have been rendering committed and dedicated services to the humanity. It is my hope that the incoming administration will build upon this.
  1. Recognition of Suleja Branch at 2023 Legal Year: all along Minna Branch had always stood in for the Bar in Niger State and was the only Branch usually recognize to deliver speeches during the legal year. We are happy that the trend changed last year as I was called upon to deliver a speech on behalf of the Branch.
  1. 2022 & 2023 AGC: it is within our knowledge that the Branch usually goes to Conferences with just a bus but when I came in, the population of those that registered for the conference skyrocketed and I was confronted with the problem of meeting up within a period of less than 2 months. To the glory of Allah, I was able to surmount the challenge and mobilized two (2) buses to transport our delegates and accommodated them in highbrow area of VI in Lagos. In the year 2023, we went to the National Secretariat before time to collect conference materials for our members and ensured that all registered conferees got theirs in the Branch.
  2. Mediation Training: my administration was able to secure slots for 20 members of the Branch to be trained on Mediation and ADR by the German Partners in collaboration with Mediation Training Institute. With this training, 20 of our members are due for admission as Associates Institute of Mediation. In the same line, we have gotten a collaboration with the Abuja Chambers of Commerce for another round of ADR training to be held early in July this year. My brother Liman Esq will lead the team to this important event.


I am most delighted to express my special appreciation to My Lord, Hon. Justice Halima Abdulkadir, Chief Judge of Niger State for her motherly support to my administration and for approving our request to better the state of the Judiciary. No doubt, My Lord’s leadership is legendary and proactive. May Allah strengthen her and grant her sound health to do more for the Judiciary.

Let me equally express my deepest and sincere gratitude to our mother; a jurist per excellence, My Lord Justice Mariya M. Ismail who took Suleja Branch as her child and supported us on several occasions. Suleja Bar remains indebted to my lord for all the care, love and affection.

I wish to express my foremost appreciation to the leader of all times and a father who saw in me a promising future right from my early days in Suleja Branch. Our own unique, eloquent, detribalized and cerebral P.U Ekwueme Esq., (Bar Leader) I can’t find the right words to appreciate you enough but God in heavens knows that I value and adore you Sir. You have been wonderful and highly encouraging as well as supportive. We are your children, please continue to eschew our transgressions.

To my Excos, I thank you all for your support and understanding throughout this period. I must place on record the matured cooperation I received from Mr. Imokondo Esq., (Secretary) who always believe that the interest of NBA should be the guiding principle. I’m happy that we had a smooth relationship with the Secretariat and other Excos. I appreciate the Vice Chairman (A.H Mohammed), Financial Secretary (Buhari Shehu), YLF Chairman (Buhari Salisu), Publicity Secretary (M.A Hassan), C.F Eze, I.L Ndulue, Sikiru Dayo and D.A Nimbe (Provost).

I will not end without expressing my words of appreciation to Magistrates Halima Alhassan, Hafsat Yusuf, Ruth Ibrahim and Bilkisu Kago for their selfless service and sportsmanship to the Suleja Bar. I pray God elevates you all to the higher bench. Amin.

Permit me to single out for special appreciation Mr. G.N Umerie Esq., as the most supportive senior member of the Branch for 2022-2024 administration. Sir, your consistent attendance in our meetings helped us greatly. We are grateful. I thank A.M Idris Esq., S.D Abubakar Esq., and J.M Kallamu Esq for their various support.

Before I conclude, let me place on record my special gratitude to M.K Bello Esq., Auta Nyada Esq., Umar Halilu Esq., Hassan Abubakar Esq., M.A Abarah Esq., P.T Okoli Esq., Yusuf Abubakar Esq., (Digital Secretary), Ndatsu Esq., and all those whose names I can’t mention due to time.

Lastly, I will not fail to apologize to all members that I have or felt offended in the course of discharging my duties. I assure you all that nothing was done deliberately to hurt anyone.

Thank you, and God bless you all. Let us continue to grow and thrive together! My brother and friend, Abdullahi Liman Esq., I wish you a successful tenure.


Ibrahim Adamu Bako Esq., (Notary Public)

10th CNBA, Suleja Branch (Zuma Bar)


29th June, 2024

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