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Day of the National Police of Ukraine: beautiful congratulations on the holiday

thetimeshub.in 2024/10/4

Day of the National Police of Ukraine: beautiful congratulations on the holiday

Happy Day National Police 2024/Collage of Radio MAXIMUM

Every year, on July 4, we celebrate the Day of the National Police of Ukraine – a holiday that honors those who stand guard every day for our peace and security. This day is an important opportunity to express gratitude to our police officers for their courage, dedication and selfless service.

On this holiday Radio MAXIMUMhas prepared for you a selection of greetings so that you can express your gratitude and respect to our brave defenders of law and order. Let these words of support and gratitude warm the hearts of our police officers and give them strength for further achievements.

Congratulations on the National Police Day of Ukraine

  • Short greetings
  • Greetings in your own words
  • Beautiful greetings in poems
  • Congratulations in pictures


Short greetings

Congratulations on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! May your efforts always bring peace and tranquility to our country.


Happy holiday, valiant defenders of law and order! May your service be easy, and your life safe and happy.


Congratulations on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! Thank you for your courage and dedication to service.


Happy holiday, dear policemen! May your hearts always burn with justice and kindness.


Happy National Police Day! We wish you strength, stamina and good health.


Happy holiday! May your every day be safe, and the service brings only joy and satisfaction.


Congratulations on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! You are the pride of our country. Thank you for your service!


Happy holiday, brave law enforcement officers! We wish you success in all your endeavors and a peaceful sky above your head.


Congratulations on a professional holiday! May your work be appreciated and your life full of joy and prosperity.


Happy National Police Day of Ukraine! We wish you to be strong, brave and steadfast in your service.

Congratulations in your own words

Dear police officers! I congratulate you on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! Your courage and dedication deserve the highest respect. I sincerely wish you good health, well-being and indomitable spirit. May your work always be appreciated, and every day brings only positive emotions and joy from completed tasks. Thank you for your contribution to the security of our country!


Dear defenders of law and order! Happy holiday to you, Happy National Police Day of Ukraine! You guard our peace and safety every day. Your work is not just a profession, but a real feat. May peace always reign in your hearts, and warmth and coziness in your families. I wish you success in all your endeavors and always return home alive and well.


Dear police officers! We congratulate you on the holiday – the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! Your work often remains invisible, but its results are felt by every citizen. We wish you good health, endurance and unshakable faith in your strength. May every day of yours be full of success, and all endeavors end in victory. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the peaceful life of our country!


Dear police officers! I congratulate you on your professional holiday – the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! You are real heroes who stand guard over law and order every day. I wish you strength, courage and endurance in this important matter. May your work bring you satisfaction, and your efforts will always be rewarded with the respect and gratitude of citizens.


Dear law enforcement officers! I congratulate you on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! May your service always be successful, and all tasks be easily accomplished. I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy and family happiness. Thank you for your courage and dedication, for making our streets safer and our lives more peaceful.


Dear police officers! Happy National Police Day of Ukraine! Your contribution to ensuring law and order and protecting citizens is invaluable. I wish you success in your service, good health and family well-being. May your courage and dedication always inspire people around you, and every day bring new achievements and victories. Thank you for your dedicated work and protection of our peace!


Dear defenders of law and order! I congratulate you on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! You are real heroes who risk their lives every day for the safety of citizens. Your work deserves the highest respect and gratitude. I wish you health, endurance and success in all your endeavors. May your efforts always bear fruit, and may each day of service be safe and fruitful.


Dear police officers! I congratulate you on your professional holiday – the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! Your work requires incredible courage and dedication. I wish you good health, patience and family warmth. May your service bring you satisfaction, and your dedication to the cause will always be rewarded with the respect and gratitude of the citizens. Thank you for your work!


Dear police officers! Happy holiday to you, Happy National Police Day of Ukraine! Your work is a daily feat, for which we are all infinitely grateful. I wish you strength, endurance and inspiration in your difficult task. May your work bring you joy, and may all tasks be completed easily and successfully. Thank you for your contribution to the safety of our society!


Dear defenders of law and order! I congratulate you on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine! Your dedication to service and willingness to help at any time deserve the highest respect. I wish you good health, family happiness and professional success. Let your service be safe, and every day brings new achievements and satisfaction from the work done. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the security of our country!

Beautiful greetings in verse

I salute you, defenders of the people,
Our police officers, you are heroes everywhere.
Every day you value peace and freedom,
For this, I thank you from the heart and the people.

You always stand on the guard of peace,
Your courage is an example for everyone.
Happy holiday, dear police officers,
Let there be peace and tranquility in the hearts!


On guard of the law, on worthy of order,
You stand confidently, firmly and dignified.
Today we congratulate you without weight,
May fate be generous, fair and sincere.

Your courage always inspires us,
You are heroes of everyday life, without unnecessary decorations.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday today,
May God protect you, protect you from calamity.


National Police Day is a holiday,
We honor you, dedicated people.
May you always have good luck and holidays,
And may peace and tranquility reign in your heart, without bad weather.

Your work is important and necessary,
Courage and strength in every day.
Thank you for your faithful service,
For the safety you give us all.


Policemen, our everyday heroes,< br> Today, accept our sincere congratulations.
Your work is not easy, but it is so valuable,
May God protect you, and peace warms your heart.

You stand guarding order, peace,
May fate always smile at you.
Happy holiday to you, brave and courageous,
You are our pride, honor and peaceful days.


Today is your holiday , our bodyguards,
The policemen are faithful, courageous and steadfast.
May your days be calm and sunny,
And may all worries disappear in a single moment.

Your service is a daily feat ,
We pray for you, we thank you, we appreciate you.
May fate be generous and safe,
May you always be lucky in life and service!


< p>Policemen, our defenders and friends,
You are the guardians of peace, faithful and strong.
May it be easy for you in difficult work,
May success always accompany you on the way.

Your courage and courage are impressive,
You are real heroes these days.
Happy holiday, we sincerely thank you,
Let there be peace, love and happiness in life!

***< /p>

National Police Day is an important holiday,
We heartily congratulate you, brave defenders.
You are standing guard of peace and truth,
Your work is not easy, but we all need it.

May there be peace in your families,
Good health and a happy destiny.
Thank you for your dedicated work,
For peaceful life under your protection.


Today is your day, our guards,
We sincerely congratulate you, with respect and honor.
Your courage and devotion without doubt,
May you always have joy and peace.

May success accompany you everywhere,
And the heart be warmed by love and warmth.
Thank you for your important work,
You – our support, hope and light.


We congratulate you on the Day of the National Police of Ukraine,
You are our heroes who stand guard over the law.
Let there be only happiness in your life,
And the gratitude of people – the best reward.

Your work is not easy, but it is necessary,
You are always ready to help in times of need.
Thank you for your courage and strength,
For the peace and tranquility that you give us all .


Our policemen, you are strength and pride,
We congratulate you on your great holiday.
May all your days be happy,
And every moment of service brings joy.

We are grateful to you for everything you do for us,
Your courage and courage – our peace and peace.< br> We congratulate you on the holiday, may your fate be clear,
And may all bad weather bypass you.

Congratulations in pictures

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