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Judicial Reform / Mexican Economy

mexicobusiness.news 2 days ago
Paloma Duran

Judicial Reform. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador congratulated the ministers for recognizing the necessity of the judicial reform. "There has been a shift in their mindset; they now understand it is important."

The reform seeks to restructure power by popularly electing Supreme Court justices, reducing the Supreme Court plenary from 11 to nine justices, replacing the Federal Judiciary Council with an independent judicial administration body, prohibiting the Supreme Court from suspending laws, establishing maximum time limits of six months for the resolution of tax matters and one year for criminal matters, and renewing all Supreme Court justices' positions in 2025. The first forum on the judicial reform was attended by ministers of the Supreme Court, judges, administrative personnel of the Judicial Branch, magistrates' organizations and coordinators of parliamentary groups.

Mexican Economy. López Obrador remarked that while the Mexican peso has experienced some depreciation in recent weeks, it has strengthened during his administration.

After weeks during which the Mexican peso fell, it strengthened following economic data released by INEGI and the announcement of the first members of Claudia Sheinbaum's new cabinet. Industry experts pointed out that the appointment of Marcelo Ebrard as the new Minister of Economy signals openness to business, alleviating market concerns. Currently, the peso is trading at MX$18.24 per dollar, whereas before López Obrador’s government, it was trading at MX$20.30 per dollar.

Clinic Is Ours. Zoé Robledo, Director, IMSS, stated that 11,427 cards of the Clinic Is Ours program have been distributed with a 97.7% completion rate. This initiative aims to allocate resources to clinics and health units.

The Mexican health system is experiencing a deep transformation. The integration of health services through IMSS-Bienestar aims to offer care to those who are not affiliated to other public institutions, such as ISSSTE or ISSFAM. The federal government expects all entities to operate within the IMSS-Bienestar program by 2040. So far, 24 states have joined the program.

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