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Misconceptions About Mental Health Guys Have

askmen.com 2 days ago

5 Outdated Ideas About Mental Health & How to Move On From Them

Misconceptions About Mental Health Guys Have

Issues surrounding mental health can strike people all over the world — young and old, rich and poor, healthy and not. But that doesn't mean they always manifest in the same, recognizable ways for everyone. In fact, there are sometimes glaring differences in how men and women cope (or fail to cope) with stress, anxiety or sadness, and it's time we talk about it.

Men are less likely to seek out help, for starters, which means they’re less likely to end up in therapy and less likely to be on medication. Acts of violence — whether self-inflicted or directed at others — are also much more likely to be committed by men than women.

So what’s going on? What can men do to help fix things, whether they suffer from mental health issues or not? Let’s find out.

1. How Gender Impacts Mental Health Issues

As both men and women experience mental health struggles, it might seem short-sighted or sexist to imply one has it better or worse than the other. That being said, there is undeniable data to suggest that men struggle with mental health in a different way — and in a way that has uniquely devastating consequences. Like, for instance, suicide rates.

“Suicide rates in men are four times that of women, but the diagnosis of depression is two times greater for women than it is for men,” says Heidi McKenzie, a licensed clinical psychologist. “I think that statistics tells us something about how it is that men approach mental health. Unfortunately, I think it says in part that far too many men suffer in silence.”

Jor-El Caraballo, a relationship therapist and co-creator of Viva Wellness, agrees, pointing out how “notoriously bad” men are at seeing their doctors regularly.

“This, of course, is changing and has been for some time,” he says. “I think that reluctance is rooted in the idea of needing to be strong, almost invincible men, who can take care of and do things for themselves. Those beliefs can be toxic to our health and limit us from getting the help we truly need.”

2. Common Male Misconceptions About Mental Health

So what could men stand to improve on when it comes to their understanding of mental health? And are there any lessons to learn from women on how to properly approach the subject?

According to McKenzie, the first step is realizing its OK to talk to someone about your problems.

“Women are socialized to support one another, to share emotions and to reach out for help when needed,” she says. “Men are typically socialized to value toughness, strength, discipline, and courage. They don’t typically view going to see a therapist as a sign of strength or courage. They see it as a sign of defeat. Many of my male clients say, ‘I’m embarrassed to be here. I feel like I should have been able to figure this out on my own.’”

Caraballo notes that men might just see health care workers as people who are going to tell them how to live their lives, when in reality, that’s not the case.

“Licensed professionals are there to support you in making the best choices for your health,” he says. “They will make suggestions, and perhaps even offer prescriptions. Be honest with your health care provider about what will and won't work with you. Sometimes there is room for collaboration to find ways to support you that fit your needs and lifestyle depending on what the concerns are.”

3. What Men Should Be Learning About Mental Health

Beyond just societal programming that teaches men to toughen up rather than work through their issues or ask for help, we also tend to miss out on a proper education as to how mental health truly works.

Some cultural messages surrounding mental health issues can be misconstrued, leaving you to believe that people with mental health issues are weird, untrustworthy or dangerous. You might also think illnesses such as depression or anxiety are situational and can be solved by a better outlook, or that struggling to be productive in the face of a mental health issue is a sign of weakness.

Essentially, men can be uniquely primed to struggle when it comes to properly handling mental health issues.

“Although our society has made some strides toward raising boys to be allowed to cry or to have more vulnerable emotions, we still have a long way to go,” says McKenzie. “Often, during childhood, males are still shamed by other males into keeping those softer feelings under wraps. They learn, through sports and other outlets, that aggression and competition are valued. In fact, male depression often first shows up as irritability or anger and my male clients are often surprised when I tell them that they are depressed.”

Guys can also be hesitant to openly admit to having problems with anxiety as it could chip away at their masculinity. “Men should be encouraged to understand that clinical anxiety is not ‘just plain old fear.’” she adds. “It’s a clinical and medical condition that is highly treatable and responsive to psychotherapy and/or medication.”

Caraballo wishes men were taught to value (and pay attention to) their overall internal lives.

“For many men, the focus is largely on external things, like achieving a certain status or salary,” he says. “These can all be good things, but our inner lives reveal our truest motivations and barriers. Understanding that can not only make us feel more empowered and stronger but also improve all areas like work, relationships, etc.”

4. What to Do If You Think You Have a Mental Health Issue

You don’t need to exhibit the stereotypical signs that some people associate with mental health issues — things like hearing voices, seeing things, or having multiple personalities — in order to qualify as someone who struggles with them.

You could feel sad a lot, deal with ongoing anxiety or just struggle to keep yourself motivated. Essentially, it’s things going on inside your head that leave you feeling out of your control. If there’s something that’s preventing you from living your best life every day, that’s no way to live at all.

So if that’s you, where do you go from there?

“I always recommend that men set up a phone consultation with a therapist if they think they might be dealing with a mental health issue,” says Caraballo. “Working with a professional ensures that you're getting quality care and therapists' goals are to help you live your healthiest life possible. They are not there to judge or criticize, but to offer support and insight. Set up that call and give it a shot. You never know how much you might learn from a therapist, and how dramatically your life can change when you have the support of a professional.”

5. Talking Mental Health With Your Guy Friends

Beyond dealing with their own personal struggles, many men also tend to have difficulty discussing points surrounding mental health with other guys in their lives.

Given how important the thoughts and opinions of our peers can be in our lives, opening up when it comes to these kinds of issues can literally be a life-saving decision.

“As men, we don't talk about [these things] enough, especially mental health,” says Caraballo. “I think that having spaces that are men-centered where we can talk about things amongst ourselves is crucial in bringing these conversations to our broader everyday lives. The reality is when we share and collaborate or problem solve together, we walk out feeling like we have more answers and strategies to become better friends, partners, husbands and fathers.”

Finding common ground with other men, and acknowledging that this isn’t something you have to face by yourself, can make all the difference for guys out there who might be struggling.

“Support groups are a great way for men to hear from other men,” notes McKenzie. “Although they are often reluctant to join, once there, it almost always turns out to be a very powerful experience to talk with other men and to find out that they are not alone.”

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