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Healing hearts: The need to support widows amongst us

Guardian Nigeria 2024/10/6

Sir: Widowhood is a very painful and often lonely journey that many women embark on, following the loss of their beloved husbands. The grief and sadness that accompany this colossal loss can be overwhelming, and the challenges that come with it can be daunting. As a community, it is our responsibility to support and uplift these women, helping them to heal and find solace in their new reality.

The struggles faced by widows are numerous and varied. Many are left to raise children alone, often without the financial and emotional support they need. Others may struggle to access basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare. The emotional toll of losing a partner can also be debilitating, leading to depression, anxiety, and isolation.

Despite these challenges, widows are often the backbone of their families and communities. They are the ones who hold everything together, providing love, care, and support to those around them. Yet, they often do so at a great personal cost, putting their own needs and well-being last.

As a community, we must recognise the value and worth of these incredible women. We must come together to support them, offering a listening ear, a helping hand, and a comforting embrace. We must also work to address the systemic issues that make life harder for widows, advocating for policies and programmes that provide financial assistance, legal protection, and social support.

By supporting widows, we are not only helping them to heal and thrive, but we are also strengthening our communities and building a more compassionate and just society. Let us come together to celebrate the strength and resilience of widows, and let us work tirelessly to ensure that they receive the support and care they deserve.

Some pragmatic ways to support widows include: Offering emotional and psychological support and a listening ear; providing financial assistance and resources; helping with practical tasks and errands; advocating for policies and programmes that support widows; creating social opportunities and connections; and encouraging self-care and personal growth.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of widows and help them to heal, thrive, and find joy again.

Maxwell Ngene, PhD, a mass communication scholar, wrote from Enugu.

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