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Hon Musa Bakare Thanks President Tinubu, Hon Faleke Over Appointment Into Federal Polytechnic Kebbi Governing Council

kogireports.com 2024/6/25

A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Kogi state, Hon. Musa Bakare, has expressed gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Rt. Hon. James Abiodun Faleke on his appointment as a member of the Governing Council of Waziri Umoru Federal Polytechnic Kebbi.

Speaking with our reporter in Lokoja on Saturday, Hon. Bakare said he is humbled by the appointment and ready to serve Nigeria with all his might.

Musa Bakare recognized the role of God in his life and expressed his thanks for the blessings of good health and wisdom.

Acknowledging the importance of the appointment, the dutiful party man vowed to approach it with commitment, loyalty, and selflessness.

He assured of his determination to make a positive impact and contribute to the betterment of society.

Musa Bakare is a well-known figure in the political landscape of Kogi State. He has had a long and illustrious investment in politics, starting from his days as a member of the Alliance for Democracy (AD) in 1999. He then went on to become a member of the Action Congress (AC) and later the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN).

Musa Bakare played a significant role in the formation of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Kogi State and has been a foundation member of the party since its inception. He is known for his dedication and hard work, particularly in his role as the State Secretary of the Buhari Support Organization (BSO).

In addition to his political involvement, Musa Bakare also serves as the State Coordinator of the Tinubu Support Organization (TSO). His commitment to his political work and his tireless efforts in supporting various initiatives within the party have earned him admiration and respect from his peers and constituents.

Acknowledging the support and guidance of the President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and his Leader, Rt. Hon. Faleke, Musa Bakare said the duo have played a significant role in his achievements.

“Their mentorship and assistance have been invaluable. I am grateful for their continued support,” he said.

Bakare also extended gratitude to his family, friends, and well-wishers for their overwhelming messages of congratulations, prayers and encouragement. He promised to work tirelessly to uphold the trust they have placed in him.

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