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100 'Would You Rather' Questions to Ask Kids of All Ages

womansday.com 2024/10/5
100 would you rather questions for kids
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Kids really do say the darndest things and their responses to adults can range from funny to downright clever. That's why kid-friendly activities like the "Would You Rather" game are so much fun. Not only does asking them "Would You Rather" questions elicit some answers that may surprise you, but it also gives you valuable insight into their minds. These questions are especially great for parents as well as teachers to use with kindergarteners, grade school kids, middle schoolers, and teen students.

As you can see, this list of "Would You Rather" questions for kids — which range from funny and silly to more challenging and thought-provoking — does more than help you connect with an important child in your life, it also allows you to learn a little bit more about them, more so than giving them funny riddles to solve or having them guess the punchlines of hilarious jokes. From finding out how they feel about personal space (like with the question “Would you rather spend your time surrounded by people or mostly by yourself?”) to learning how they feel about their schoolwork (like with the question “Would you rather have to read a whole book or take a hard math test?”), their critical thinking skills will be put to the test in the best and most educational way possible.

Check out this list of the best "Would You Rather" questions for kids of all ages to exercise their brains (and yours). We promise this will keep your family or classroom of students entertained for hours.

100 would you rather questions for kids
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Funny Would You Rather Questions

  1. Would you rather have to start every conversation by saying something silly or end every conversation by making a fart noise?
  2. Would you rather burp every time you say "hello" or sneeze every time someone says "thank you?"
  3. Would you rather have to dance every time you hear music or sing along with every song you hear?
  4. Would you rather turn into a cat or a dog?
  5. Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands?
  6. Would you rather have long hair all over your body or no hair on your head?
  7. Would you rather have to use your phone on speaker phone anytime you used it or have a phone that only makes very realistic fart noises anytime you get a notification?
  8. Would you rather be as tall as a skyscraper or as tiny as an ant?
  9. Would you rather have tentacles for arms or the body of a bear from the waist down?
  10. Would you rather grow grass instead of hair or have leaves in your armpits?
  11. Would you rather sweat ketchup or mustard?
  12. Would you rather spend all day laughing or all day singing?
  13. Would you rather have to dance everywhere you went or crawl?
  14. Would you rather live in a world where it rained marshmallows or snowed candy floss?
female student with a great imagination
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Serious Would You Rather Questions

  1. Would you rather know what everyone is thinking or always know the answer when someone asks you a question?
  2. Would you rather be able to hear colors or see sounds?
  3. Would you rather have a day where your grownups have to say "yes" to every question you ask or a day where you can say "no" to everything they tell you to do?
  4. Would you rather get to live in your favorite television show or your favorite book?
  5. Would you rather be rich in love or in money?
  6. Would you rather know someone you love for only a short time or someone you don't like for a long time?
  7. Would you rather have your dream job or never have to work?
  8. Would you rather live at the beach or on a lake?
  9. Would you rather travel the world or spend your whole life in a place you love?
  10. Would you rather spend your time surrounded by people or mostly by yourself?
  11. Would you rather see your favorite band surrounded by fans or totally alone?
  12. Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to move things with your mind?
  13. Would you rather have a personal driver or be able to buy whatever car you wanted?
  14. Would you rather get a chance to meet your hero in person or have them send you a letter saying why you're their hero?
front view portrait of small girl standing indoors at home, gritting teeth
Halfpoint Images//Getty Images

Gross Would You Rather Questions

  1. Would you rather drink a whole drink out of your shoe or lick the bottom of your shoe?
  2. Would you rather eat a booger or a scab?
  3. Would you rather get gas station sushi or eat a sandwich you made at home in a public bathroom?
  4. Would you rather get busted farting in public or picking your nose and eating it?
  5. Would you rather spend a month eating bugs or a month with bugs in your hair?
  6. Would you rather step in dog vomit in your bare feet or dog poop in your socks?
  7. Would you rather drink soup on a hot day or brush your teeth with chili on a cold day?
  8. Would you rather smell like rotten eggs and not know it or have everyone else smell like rotten eggs and only you know it?
  9. Would you rather use liquid dish soap to brush your teeth or clean your dishes with toothpaste?
  10. Would you rather find out there's a cockroach in your sandwich when you're halfway through it or wait to find out until after you've finished eating it?
  11. Would you rather have a dirty litter box next to your bed or next to the table where you eat?
  12. Would you rather see the person making your food pick a wedgie or pick their nose?
  13. Would you rather sweat pee or pee sweat?
  14. Would you rather have a sneeze that smells bad or sneeze every time that you smell something bad?
  15. Would you rather find out you were drinking from a stranger's cup or find out that a stranger took a bite of your food before you did?
100 would you rather questions for kids
Cameron Spencer//Getty Images

    Sports Would You Rather Questions

    1. Would you rather be the best at playing just one position or really good at playing all positions?
    2. Would you rather win the MVP during a game that nobody went to or be the third best player during a game that everyone went to?
    3. Would you rather hold a record or be considered the first person to do something amazing?
    4. Would you rather be the best player on a team that isn't that great or an okay player on the best team out there?
    5. Would you rather watch your favorite team live but while sitting in the worst seats at the stadium or watch a team you don't care about from the best seats in the house?
    6. Would you rather have your favorite athlete watch you have an unimpressive game or have a world-class athlete that you don't care about tell you that they're impressed with how you play?
    7. Would you rather play a team sport or compete in an individual sport?
    8. Would you rather never make it to the playoffs or lose the championship game?
    9. Would you rather be the person who scores the game-winning point or be the person who always helps a teammate with an assist?
    10. Would you rather drink water or a sports drink while you're playing sports?
    11. Would you rather have to practice more than you play games or play games more than you practice?
    12. Would you rather have to do your least favorite warmups more or your least favorite drills?
    13. Would you rather have to run a mile or walk three miles?
    14. Would you rather have a coach that yells too much or a coach that smells like sweat?
    15. Would you rather cry every time you made a good play or laugh every time you made a bad one?
    100 would you rather questions for kids
    SeventyFour//Getty Images

    Teen Would You Rather Questions

    1. Would you rather have a homework pass for an entire year or one no-questions-asked day off from school?
    2. Would you rather have to write a personal essay or turn in an assignment that involved a lot of research?
    3. Would you rather sit in a cafeteria with assigned seating that changed every day or have to ask someone different to sit with you each day at lunch?
    4. Would you rather eat the school lunch or pack a lunch?
    5. Would you rather have someone tell you what you'll be when you grow up or have to figure it out on your own?
    6. Would you rather go to college or get right to work?
    7. Would you rather spend a day living as your best friend or as the person you don't like?
    8. Would you rather have a big group of casual friends or a small group of best friends?
    9. Would you rather go to college with people you know or go somewhere where nobody knows you and start over?
    10. Would you rather have to read a whole book or take a hard math test?
    11. Would you rather eat lunch with your school principal or with your physical education teacher?
    12. Would you rather ride the school bus with your friends or have your parents drop you off?
    13. Would you rather go on a field trip with your whole grade or get to visit somewhere new just by yourself?
    14. Would you rather be the new kid in school or the person who has to introduce the new kid around?
    thinking, education or girl writing and drawing in her kindergarten school notebook at home knowledge or creative young kid enjoys studying or learning ideas in house alone for child development
    Sean Anthony Eddy//Getty Images

    Hard Would You Rather Questions

    1. Would you rather watch someone you love suffer in pain for a short time or watch someone you don't know suffer for a long time?
    2. Would you rather embarrass yourself in front of someone you admire or have them embarrass themselves in front of you?
    3. Would you rather not be able to speak or not be able to hear?
    4. Would you rather miss an important moment with your family or an important moment with your friends?
    5. Would you rather get $100 a week for a year or get $5,200 a year from now?
    6. Would you rather live in a haunted house or be the thing haunting a house?
    7. Would you rather take a long flight or a long car ride?
    8. Would you rather be really hot or really cold?
    9. Would you rather eat your favorite food every day for a year or go a year without your favorite food?
    10. Would you rather find out that your best friend doesn't like you or discover that you don't like your best friend?
    11. Would you rather lose your phone or forget all of your passwords?
    12. Would you rather be rich and unknown or famous and poor?
    13. Would you rather live forever or be able to ensure that someone you love gets to live forever instead?
    14. Would you rather never be sick again or never feel pain again?
    100 would you rather questions for kids
    Burke/Triolo Productions//Getty Images

    Food Would You Rather Questions

    1. Would you rather be served food that you can't taste or food that you can't smell?
    2. Would you rather eat a fistful of M&M's mixed with Skittles or a fistful of blueberries mixed with peanuts?
    3. Would you rather eat at a five-star restaurant where you weren't allowed to pick your own meal or at home where you could make whatever you wanted but you had to cook it?
    4. Would you rather spend a year eating just pizza or a year eating just donuts?
    5. Would you rather spend a year only using a fork or a year where you could only use a spoon?
    6. Would you rather eat only the top of a muffin or only the bottom of a cupcake?
    7. Would you rather eat a piece of raw fish or an entire cooked fish that you've never tried before?
    8. Would you rather spend all day cooking your favorite food or spend five minutes waiting for something you only kind of like to be delivered?
    9. Would you rather try something new but you have to eat a whole plate of it or be served something you know you hate but you only have to eat a bite?
    10. Would you rather give up ice cream for a year or all sugar for a month?
    11. Would you rather have 100 chocolate bars or 10 chocolate cakes?
    12. Would you rather go a week without fruit or a month without vegetables?
    13. Would you rather watch someone cook your food or help someone make your food?
    14. Would you rather eat something with a smell you don't like or a texture that you can't stand?
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    Lauren Wellbank is a freelance writer based in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Huffington Post, Martha Stewart Living, and more. She has three small children, a husband, and an over eager dog at home. When she's not writing she likes to work in her garden with her family.

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