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Ikeja Unique Lions Club Donates Traffic Booth To Ebute Metta Community

Independent 2 days ago

June 29 marks a memorable day for the community of Ebute Metta, as Ikeja Unique Lions Club donated a traffic booth to them in assistance of the traffic. Ebute Metta is a popular place known for traffic due to its commercial activities, so the donation was well received by the Local Government and traffic division of Denton Police Station, Ebute Metta, Lagos State. Speaking at the event is the Chairman Mainland Local Government, Mrs. Omolara Essien. She appreciated the Ikeja Unique Lions Club for their donation and how it will affect the environment. “I want to use this opportunity to thank the Lions Club for their efforts. The Lions club has proven themselves to be helpers of the community by donating the traffic booth. This will help ease the movement of traffic in this busy vicinity, especially when it’s comes to directing the vehicles on which routes to take. Aside that, the traffic officers will be sheltered from harsh weather. This is also an achievement in their part. For this we are grateful to Ikeja Unique Lions Club.” She said.

Also speaking is the DPO of Denton Police Station Ebute Metta, CSP Joseph O. Egwuonwo who represented the Commissioner of Police and Area Commander of Lagos State. He also appreciated the Ikeja Unique Lions Club for their donation and spoke on how the donation will help the environment.”This is one of the yearning from the Nigerian Police Force that organizations like these should join hands to help prevent crime and hardship in our environment. This gesture from the Ikeja Unique Lions Club has been long expected, having presented us with this donation, we are happy that this is going to add to our capacity traffic wise, having gone this far in bringing peace to Ebute Metta. This donation will help us maintain traffic prevention to be more effective than before.He further stated that the donation will help curb traffic at its strategic placement, “the place the traffic booth was put is a strategic point in Ebute Metta axis. It is a point where all sides can be viewed easily because of the position it has been planted. this booth will help our traffic wardens well especially during rainy and very hot weather. They can stay comfortablely doing their duties without any issues.” He said.

To conclude the event, President of the Ikeja Unique Lions Club, Lion Stephen Onojomete, spoke on why Ebute Metta axis was chosen for their project. “In the Lions Club, there is an understanding that anywhere there is a need, there is a lion and that was what happened here in Ebute Metta.We realised during the rainy season, traffic officials suffer a lot because of the harsh weather, looking for shelter, which shouldn’t be so because they are helping the citizens of the country, they are doing a good job stopping traffic, so it came to my mind and I spoke with my board of directors and hence the project. The services done within this strategic place at Ebute Metta is very vital to the community. Without these officers there will be buildup of unnecessary traffic jam. So we are also using this opportunity to appreciate the traffic wardens in Ebute Metta. it’s also our believe that with this donation made, there will be an assistance to crime and traffic control within the area. Also easier movement for anyone plying the Ebute Metta road and that to us is an achievement for everyone.He also spoke on the integrity and impact of the DPO of Denton Police Station, “We at Ikeja Unique Lions Club are using this moment to gave a special award of recognition to the DPO of Denton Police Station because of the wonderful work he has done, we noticed since he resumed in this division, crime has subsided drastically and there is peace within the environment. We know it’s not a miracle but the handwork of someone who has stressed himself. We solicit that he keeps up the good work.” He stated.

Appreciations were also given to the Lions Club by the Head of NRT Ebute Metta, Taofeek Abdullahi and officer Buraimoh Temitope from LASTMA.

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