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Tears of the Sky

vocal.media 2 days ago
Tears of the Sky
Nick Scheerbart

In the quiet dawn, the sky begins to weep,

Soft droplets fall, a secret vow to keep.

Gentle whispers in the morning breeze,

Nature's sighs, a tender, silent plea.

Silver threads descend from heights above,

Kissing earth with sorrow, wrapped in love.

Each tear a story, ancient and profound,

Of joy and pain, in raindrops gently bound.

The clouds, they gather, heavy with despair,

As thunder murmurs tales of woe and care.

Lightning dances, fleeting in its rage,

A brief, bright spark upon a darkened stage.

Yet through the storm, a promise shines anew,

In every drop, the seeds of life accrue.

For after tears, the world is born again,

With colors brighter, washed of all its pain.

So let the sky shed tears, its heart to mend,

For in each rain, there's hope around the bend.

A cycle endless, beauty in the strife,

The tears of the sky, the essence of life.

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