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Paidha Black Angels Secure FUFA Big League Promotion

chimpreports.com 5 days ago
Paidha Black Angels

• Paidha Black Angels 2-0 Northern Gateway

Paidha Black Angels became the fourth team to secure a FUFA Big League advance, completing the puzzle of the four promoted teams from the Regional League.

In a well-attended return leg duel played at Bar Okoro stadium in Zombo district on Sunday, Paidha Black Angels struck twice in the second half to win the game 2-0 on aggregate after a barren first leg draw in Lira last week.

Benjamin Opakrwoth and Juma Junior Lutakome were on target to inspire Paidha to a Big League return amid a cheerful, huge crowd of spectators that filled the stadium to full capacity.

Opakrwoth sent Bar Okoro buzzing after 52 minutes. He tapped home from captain Yoacel Raymond’s cutback pass after he was freed by Gadafi Gadinho, sending the home crowd into ruptures.

In the 95th minute, Junior Lutakome doubled the hosts’ lead with an inch-perfect header off a well-drilled delivery from left-back Jamal Sulaiman, denting the visitors’ hope of a possible equalizer.

The marauding win marked Paidha’s return to the Big League since their demotion in 2021 to the West Nile Regional League. Paidha Black Angels join MYDA FC, Ntugasaze, and Buhimba Saints as the other already-promoted teams.

Lineups Used

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Paidha Black Angels: Abdul Bagenda (GK), Yoacel Raymond Ayo, Jamal Suleiman, Odagiu Khalid, Opar William Cisse, David Obendmoth Dante, Joel Jangeyambe, Gadaffi Gadinho, Opar Jacob, Lutakome Juma, and Benjamin Opakrwoth

Northern Gateway: Moses Olila (GK), Allan Atala, Emmanuel Odur, Ivan Olum, Shadrack Ojok, Daniel Ayo, Herbert Okello, Daniel Okello, Benjamin Ario, Jacob Adoko, and Daniel Ojok.

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