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Woman in Bed Hears Whizzing Sound, Horrified at What Broke Through Window

fresnobee.com 2024/10/5
gunshot through window. A woman was lying in her bed at home when all of a sudden she heard a loud noise and saw shattered glass everywhere - then she realized a gunshot had come through her window. Gogomagickitten

A woman from Colorado could not believe her eyes when she found out what had startled her awake from her afternoon nap.

Chelsea, who lives north of Denver, told Newsweek that on June 8, she came home exhausted from a work event she'd attended earlier in the day and decided to take a quick nap.

However, around 4 p.m., a few moments after waking up, she heard a pop and glass shattering. Before even realizing what had happened, Chelsea left the room and called her husband for help.

Once he got home, they found their bedroom window shattered, a half-dollar-sized hole in the wall, and a rifle bullet stuck in it.

In a post shared on Reddit later that same month under the username u/Gogomagickitten, Chelsea explained: "[The bullet] wizzed past my head. If I have been sitting up or walking, [it] might have become a vastly different story."

Once the police got involved and investigated the scene, they found that the bullet had been fired from a personal shooting range located in a neighbor's backyard about 900 yards away from Chelsea's property.

"[The neighbors] were having a shooting that day with some of their friends, and one just misfired and got away and ended up in my window," Chelsea said.

From her recollection of the events, the poster was lucky to be lying down at the time the bullet misfired. Had she sat up on the bed, she would have been directly in the trajectory of the bullet.

Despite what could have happened, after talking to her neighbors, Chelsea and her husband decided against pressing charges.

"They were talked to by the police; they were really horrified by this situation, and they felt incredibly bad about what happened. We could have taken them to court, but we decided we were just going to deal with this civilly," she said.

In the end, the neighbors agreed to pay for the window and drywall replacement in the room.

"We also got them to move the shooting range, not facing our neighborhood," Chelsea said, adding that the location was concerning because the area is full of children, and there's a school about half a mile down the road.

The video quickly went viral on Reddit, receiving over 22,000 upvotes and 520 comments so far.

One user, u/BoardGamesAndMurder, commented: "My friend got shot in the arm sitting on her couch watching TV. The police knew who did it, and could prove it. The guy ran and was evading the police. They found out where he was hiding and would not go arrest him.

"She never got any kind of justice. He was never arrested and never went to court. He also had no assets for her to sue to get. She had to pay her healthcare bills out of pocket."

Redditor u/PeaceLoveDyeStuff wrote, "This happened to my sister's home in Midwest farm country. Bullet went through my nephew's bedroom window while he was in there. The investigation revealed some high school kid was "just horsing around" so I'm pretty sure all he got was a stern finger wag."


This story was originally published July 7, 2024, 5:00 AM.

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