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“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories

Boredpanda 2 days ago

Drinking can be fun during the first few hours when the happy buzz kicks in. But things can get murky once you get past a certain threshold of inebriation. 

This is usually when many people pass out or go on autopilot and do something they’ll regret the next day. The stories you’re about to read are more of the latter, where supposed merry intoxication turned unpleasant and embarrassing. 

These short accounts are responses to a post by TikTok user dietcokegirl222. She asked for the worst thing people do while they are drunk. According to her, she did this to feel better about herself. 

Read through this list and see if you’ve been in any of these sticky situations.

Image credits: dietcokegirl222

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“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
got drunk at my friend’s house and accidentally got into his parents bed with them


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
I crashed a very important wedding. Didn’t realize I was standing at the altar and asked the priest who died


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
I threw up on a goat, and then cried for hours. I went back first thing the next morning and gave her a bath I felt so bad


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
threw cold pizza at server and got arrested

Many see alcohol as a truth serum that helps them bring out their “real” selves. This isn’t the case, according to licensed therapist Jennifer Worley.

“The behaviors and emotions exhibited while intoxicated are just a part of a person’s broad spectrum of feelings and reactions,” she told Healthline. “They don’t necessarily represent their core character or values.”


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
puked on the stairs at a bar and then proceeded to fall down the same stairs


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
stood outside my exs window at 2am playing songs off my phone


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
jumped out of a moving car because I was being forced to go home

In terms of peeling back the layers of one’s personality, drunkenness is more of a revelation and characterization of what’s happening internally. 

“While it is difficult to conclusively say that someone is more real when under the influence, it is safe to say that what you see is a more accurate portrayal of what is going on inside of that person,” family and marriage therapist Dr. Joel Touchet said.


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
I broke into a museum and passed out and woke up to a tour guide telling me she’s calling the police while the whole tour group took pictures


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
Ended up in the emergency room and flashed the hospital security guards bc they were taking too long to see me, they had to sedate me lol


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
Traded my car/apartment keys and wallet for a box of orange flavored cupcakes


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
Not me but my friend snuggled up with a homeless man in the alley outside of the bar. Got inside his cardboard box and everything.


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
Got kicked out of a concert- carried out by security by all 4 limbs even. Tried to sneak back in but they grabbed me. My best friend found me balling my eyes out in the clutches of a homeless woman


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
We were tossing glow sticks down the street and I launched one about 30 feet away and looked down in my hand only to realize the glow stick was there and I actually threw my brand new iPhone


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
I did a water aerobics routine in the pool fully clothed while being shouted at by the parents to leave the house

Alcohol abuse is known to affect one’s physical health in a myriad of ways. But as Worley revealed, it can also cause lasting behavioral and cognitive changes. 

“Over time, these changes can contribute to personality shifts, especially if the brain damage is significant,” she explained. “Moreover, long-term alcohol misuse can exacerbate or lead to mental health disorders, which can further influence personality.”


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
My friend woke up with a tortoise in her bag and a whole pizza cramed in her purse.


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
performed umbrella by rihanna on a frat stage after a party and then was asked who I knew and to leave


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
Stumbled into a pizza shop, started working behind the counter, took their trash out to the dumpsters, got offended they wouldn’t give me free pizza


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
walking downtown n i saw a house that i swore was an antique shop bc there were a ton of trinkets in the window so i walked in and started looking at everything but it was just some old ladys house


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
i though a homeless man was frank gallagher and started harassing him for a picture


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
peed in my best friend mom vase and left it for weeks


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
Threw mason jars filled with reasons why I loved my ex in his parents drive way


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
woke up drunk to my lash lady saying “okay you’re lashes are done” and my car wasn’t even there which means I walked and still have no memory of going


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
thought i was a vampire and tried to bite everyone and ended up in hospital with doctors thinking it was psychosis

Some people become aggressive after a few glasses of their favorite whiskey. Worley explains that such reactions are likely due to alcohol’s effect on the prefrontal cortex, the brain region responsible for regulating thoughts, emotions, and behavior. 

She also points out that alcohol can amplify existing feelings of anger, stress, and anxiety, which can make some drinkers act belligerently.


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
don't remember this but posted a voice note to my story saying I'm lost and scared asking for help everyone thought I was kidnapped police where called search stated..I was in my shed


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
My leg got stuck in a disabled man’s wheelchair and I fell and tore my MCL


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
i wanted to show everyone how fast i could gallop, i galloped into the street and got hit by a car


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
I thought I was Meredith grey and kept telling everyone about med school (never been) and people started to think I had schizophrenia


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
Called my mom cuz I was too drunk to drive and we got in fight and I ran like 3 miles while she slow chased me in the car & ppl thought she was tryna kidnap me


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
I went into the restaurant/bar that I used to work at and started seating customers for dinner

Moderate consumption is encouraged among those who enjoy the occasional drink. The National Library of Medicine defines it as a maximum of one beverage per day for women and a cap of two drinks for men. 

In terms of measurements, one drink is equivalent to one bottle of beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of liquor.


“Got Into His Parents’ Bed With Them”: 84 People Share Their Unhinged Drunken Stories
walked into my neighbors LIVING ROOM (uninvited) to say hi because I noticed that their lights were still on. On a Monday night.


Tried to go upside down on stripper pole and fell on my head and blacked out in front of 100 people (two nights ago)


Handed a bouncer a Barnes & noble gift card instead of my ID and then tried to fight him when he didn’t let me in


Called two of my exes and they both showed up


drank out of a dogs bowl because I was barfing so bad IN SOMEONES LIVING ROOM and all I wanted was water


Got black out drunk, woke up in some random guys dorm room after having thrown up on his Christmas tree, he'd been sitting watching me sleep, and proceeded to show me his coin collection


Started on a girl in front of everyone for stealing my jacket and wearing it (we had the same one I didn’t bring mine out)


at my sisters engagement party i got drunk and wanted to show my mom my chaturanga (yoga push up) and i slammed my chin into the floor and flashed everyone


Messaged my boss saying how much I love the company and asked if I could be invited to future board meetings


yelled and banged on the wall of my apartment because i thought my neighbors were vacuuming at 2am but it was indeed just the a/c unit blowing air through my vent

However, some experts would argue that there is no such thing as moderate drinking. They believe that alcohol in itself is detrimental to one’s health, regardless of the amount. 

“It doesn’t matter how much you drink – the risk to the drinker’s health starts from the first drop of any alcoholic beverage,” said Dr. Carina Ferreira-Borges, Regional Advisor for Alcohol and Illicit Drugs of the World Health Organization in Europe. 

“The only thing that we can say for sure is that the more you drink, the more harmful it is – or, in other words, the less you drink, the safer it is.”


Punched a parking garage wall bc I convinced myself I was the hulk. Broke my hand


Called my therapist 22 times and left her 8 voicemails because she has the same name as the friend that I had went out with and I did not know it was her


Woke up in the middle of my local lake with a homeless guy and scuba gear on with no memory of why or how I got there


cartwheeled through Lidl, almost got us kicked out. then another time lay down on the ground in the rain at 2am and had to be carried home by some very nice drunk girls


got to slizzered at my friends wedding (which I was a bridesmaid in) and tried to start a mosh pit during the reception dance portion….at a wedding


tried to explain synesthesia to the guy i liked and he said i reminded him of his schizophrenic uncle who stalked him


Jogged 3 miles home through Washington DC at 2am using the Washington monument as my reference because my phone died


Screamed across the bar at a 50 yr old man calling him an outfit repeater bc I had seen him the weekend before in the same outfit


Drunk called my exes parents that I met only a few times over the phone


Walked into my ex’s apartment… uninvited


i chased my ex SITUATIONSHIP down the road w a knife 😞 (this is what i heard i literally do not remember a THING)


Told a guy I didn't even like that I loved him


ubered myself to my ex’s house without permission and he came home from work and i was just in his bed


Got on my knees to hug a lil person and talked to them like they were one of my kindergarten students


Tried to hide from a cop under a couch that was not high enough to crawl under (so the couch was just on top of my body and hanging off the floor)


I went to a party where I was planning on seeing and spending time with the boy I liked at the time and when we was talking at this party he made me laugh so hard I peed EVERYWHERE


Balled my eyes out in front of the guy I was out with about another guy

There has been research about the potential benefits of drinking, such as a lowered risk of heart failure. But for experts like Columbia University professor Katherine Keyes, it’s more about establishing a healthy relationship with alcohol. 

“It’s not that ‘OK, you think you’re drinking too much, now you can’t drink at all’ — that health advice turns a lot of people off,” she told NBC News. “Thinking about drinking as a continuum, not a binary, is an approach that we think will be really useful for improving population health.”


I yelled at my ex and his new girlfriend. I think about it everyday.


asked my situationship “what are we” then quoted gotta go my own way from high school musical


Disappeared, had a missing persons report filed on me, police and ambulance came, banged on my friends neighbors door at 3 am, and they thought I had hypothermia


called every man i’ve ever even spoken to and then missed my flight home the next morning


fell down the stairs and had to get emergency brain surgery


I was mud wrestling at a frat house and broke my ankle and had to be carried out and was black out at the hospital w mud all over me


Took a mates car, police caught me drunk, with no license, one broken foot in a cast and googling “how to drive” whilst doing 5mph down my road


i ripped my friends sink straight off the wall


was screaming at everyone who has my phone and then when I got in the taxi it was in my sock


i convinced myself my uber driver was kidnapping my friends and me so i made them walk a mile home


I created a work meeting and added a director from work to the meeting. Titled it BJ at lunch


I was a police reported missing person for 8 hours when in reality I was asleep outside of my favorite pizza shop…needless to say my friends are terrible at hide and seek


told someone I met ariana grande and that we got a selfie together, when they asked to see the picture i ran away as fast as possible


ran head first into a glass wall that i thought was an open door (pantsless)


I leaned out of a car to throw up and fell face-first onto the curb and broke off my front tooth


Sent the entirety of the bee movie script to one of my ex situationships because I missed him


Tripped over a guys foot and his prosthetic leg came off, I then grabbed it and tried to put it back on for him like I knew what I was doing


locked myself in a bathroom drunk instagram DMd an old situationship telling him it was going to be us in the end and he responded saying “no it won’t be” and blocked me


Got thrown out of a bar and then drunk peed in a guys bed :’)


put a bunch of tampons in because for some reason i just kept forgetting i put one in


Told my coworker that when he takes off his jacket at work I blush at how big his arms are


drunk called my ex begging him to come over then when he came i cussed him out and made him take me to mcdonald’s


Invited over a bunch of people that I met that night at a bar to my apartment and I blacked out and my PANDA dunks were stolen💔💔💔my brother got me them i still feel so bad


called my ex not once but 37 times. spoiler alert he didn’t answer a single time


I called the guy I was talking to my exs name the whole time and didn’t realize till the next morning


promised my friends i was texting my sister and not my ex then snuck to the bathroom to call him. a girl answered, i ruined the whole party throwing up and crying all night

demanded a pizza shop should give me free pizza bc i worked at the ice cream store across the street

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