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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Time To Sheathe Swords

Independent 2024/10/4

The on-going Israeli-Gaza war may develop into a regional conflict of imponderable consequences for the global peace. The decades-old Israeli-Palestinian crisis has attained another turning point. Both Israel and Palestine have a choice between accepting to work sincerely towards the goal of two states living side by side with the holy sites under international jurisdiction or continuing the internecine conflict. We recall that in 2009, the then president of the United States, Barack Obama, reportedly gave himself two years for a diplomatic breakthrough on a two-state solution. This target amounted to a masterstroke for an American president that was consumed with passion for peace in the Middle East. For the ex-President Obama, “It is easier to start wars than to end them. It is easier to blame others than to look inwards; to see what is different about someone than to find the things we share. But we should choose the right path, not just the easy path.” Unfortunately, the Obama laudable initiative during his presidency came to naught. We note with distress the Israeli rejection of the twostate proposal, refusal to halt further settlements in the West Bank and recourse to stoke tensions with Iran. It would be recalled that in 1981, Israel jets destroyed an Iraqi atomic reactor, which it claimed would have enabled Iraq to develop nuclear weapons. We warn against any similar strike against Iran, which is bound to lead to a conflagration in the Middle East. We are more persuaded that the major threat in the region is the age-long unresolved Israeli-Palestinian question than the threats posed by Iran. In the interest of peace, we urge Israel to halt further outposts in the West Bank; we regard Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s alibi of population growth as inadmissible since Palestinian population also grows like the Israeli’s. The nation of Israel is at present surrounded by truculent or unfriendly nations, and in spite of its military superiority and support of the United States, it has not been able to neutralize or successfully overcome threats posed by Hamas and Hezbollah, nor has it totally won the hearts of moderate Arab nations. This points to the futility of use of force to settle disputes among nations. It is our view that there is nothing as dangerous as having unseen enemies lurking in the dark and ready to strike fatally at any opportunity and time. Citizens of Israel have lived in fear for too long a time. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must accept the two-state solution even at the risk of losing the next election. We reject the extremisms of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah in the Middle East conflict. We denounce in the strongest terms the savagery attacks of Hamas against Israel, notwithstanding the occupation of the West Bank and the intolerable conditions imposed on the Gaza Strip by the latter. We deploy in the strongest terms the disproportionate use of force against Gaza by Israel. We call on President Joe Biden not to be unconditionally partisan, but be conciliatory, pressing, in conjunction with world leaders, for an immediate ceasefire, and ultimately equity and justice in the resolution of the interminable crisis. Iran must renounce its non-recognition of the state of Israel and employ its influence on Hamas and Hezbollah to ensure they allow an atmosphere conducive to peace negotiations. Israel has the right to exist, to defend itself, just as Palestine. Hamas must renounce its armed struggle, recognize the right of Israel to exist, end its violent struggle with the rival Palestinian organisations, participate and support the push to end the strife in the region. Indeed, we are persuaded that the Middle East can eventually emerge from the ashes of wars to form an economically powerful union that may be the envy of regional associations like the European Union. This path lies in the two-state solution. Israel and Palestine must sheathe their swords. We call on the international community, through the United Nations, to end, once and for all, the wanton carnage in Israel and Palestine, which assails our humanity.

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