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Combatting the Menace of Violent Secret Cults in Nigeria: The Urgent Need for Formal Registration

inigerian.com 2024/5/19
secret cult

In recent years, Nigeria has been plagued by the alarming rise of violent secret cults, particularly within its higher institutions and beyond. The devastating consequences of these clandestine groups extend far beyond mere criminal activity, with the loss of promising lives and societal dislocations rippling through communities.

Despite concerted efforts by security forces, governmental bodies, NGOs, and other agencies to curb this epidemic, the phenomenon continues to gain momentum at an alarming rate.

The time has come for a decisive and innovative approach to stem this tide of violence and restore safety and stability to Nigerian communities. One potent solution lies in the implementation of a mandatory registration law for all secret societies operating within the country. By compelling these groups to formally register with the appropriate authorities, we can initiate a systematic and transparent process to monitor their activities, hold them accountable for their actions, and effectively dismantle their networks of violence and coercion.

Success stories from around the world underscore the efficacy of formal registration laws in combating the scourge of secret societies and cults. In countries such as the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom, stringent registration requirements have empowered law enforcement agencies to identify and neutralize clandestine groups, safeguarding the well-being of citizens and preserving the fabric of society.

In the United States, laws governing secret societies and cults vary by state, but they typically fall under statutes related to criminal conspiracy, organized crime, or anti-gang legislation. For example, some states have specific statutes targeting criminal street gangs, such as California’s Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act (STEP Act), which requires gangs to register with law enforcement agencies.

Similarly, in Australia, legislation addressing secret societies and cults may be found within criminal codes or laws related to organized crime and public safety. For instance, the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) contains provisions regarding criminal associations and participation in criminal organizations, which may be utilized to target secretive and harmful groups.

Likewise, in the United Kingdom, laws pertaining to secret societies and cults may be incorporated into broader legislation addressing organized crime, public order offenses, or anti-terrorism measures. The Serious Crime Act 2015, for example, includes provisions on participation in activities of an organized crime group, which can encompass clandestine and harmful organizations.

By enacting similar legislation in Nigeria, we can achieve several critical objectives. First and foremost, formal registration will enable authorities to compile comprehensive databases of known secret societies, their members, and their modus operandi. This invaluable intelligence can then be leveraged to proactively disrupt illicit activities, prevent violent incidents, and dismantle criminal networks.

Furthermore, formal registration empowers law enforcement agencies to hold secret societies accountable for their actions through legal means. By operating within the bounds of the law, these groups will no longer enjoy the cloak of impunity that has allowed them to perpetrate violence and terror with impunity. Instead, they will be subject to scrutiny, investigation, and prosecution for any criminal activities they undertake.

Importantly, the implementation of a mandatory registration law sends a powerful message to would-be recruits and existing members of secret societies. By demonstrating the state’s unwavering commitment to combating cult violence, we can dissuade individuals from joining these destructive groups and provide avenues for existing members to exit safely and reintegrate into society.

However, it is essential to recognize that the success of any registration law hinges on robust enforcement mechanisms, adequate resources, and meaningful collaboration between governmental bodies, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, civil society organizations, and the public. Only through a united and concerted effort can we effectively tackle the root causes of cult violence and build a safer, more prosperous future for all Nigerians.

The time has come for Nigeria to take bold and decisive action against the menace of violent secret cults. By enacting a mandatory registration law for all secret societies, we can disrupt their operations, hold them accountable for their crimes, and safeguard the lives and futures of our citizens. Let us stand together in solidarity to combat cult violence and build a brighter tomorrow for Nigeria.

Image: kalhh Pixabay remix

Jude Obuseh

Mr. Jude Obuseh is a fervent social commentator, life coach, tutor, columnist, blogger, author, peace researcher and advocate, and entrepreneur. He is the Executive Director of Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Initiative, CPPBI, a Nigerian based non-governmental organization committed to the prevention of violent conflicts in Africa. Jude is an alumnus of the Premier University of Ibadan from where he obtained a BSc in Political Science, an M.A in Peace and Conflict Studies, coupled with other certifications from other reputable - academic and professional - bodies. His core areas of research interests are, International Security Administration, Peace Building Strategies, Early Warning Mechanisms, Political Violence, Political Participation, and International Political History. Jude is an eclectic researcher and writer whose incisive works (articles, position papers et.al) on politics, security, peace, conflict and other topical themes are constantly syndicated on both local and international - academic and media - platforms. For more on Obuseh Jude and his works visit: www.cppbi.org; Tel: +2348168580211; E-mail: syncado2006@gmail.com.

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