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Nigeria has practice all forms of corruption – Dr Asikpo EssienIbok

daylightreporters.com 3 days ago
Nigeria has practice all forms of corruption – Dr Asikpo EssienIbok

Former political Adviser to late Governor Mohammed Abubakar Rimi of Kano State, Dr. Asikpo EssienIbok has taken a swipe on Nigeria’s corruption challenges saying, the country has practiced all forms of corruption in history since independence.

He was speaking as a Guest Lecturer at a public lecture on “Corruption and National Development in Nigeria” organized by the Facility of Management Sciences, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State on Wednesday.

Asikpo, a man of many parts; had served as a political adviser to the Government of Kano State under late Governor Mohammed Abubakar Rimi (1981 – 1983), Chairman, Editorial Board of the Punch Newspapers, Lagos, member of the Governing Council, University of Calabar, Life Member of Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, lecturer, Bayero University Kano, University of Port – Harcourt, Rivers State, University of Lagos, Instructor, Counselling Office, Howard University, Washington DC, Director of Research, Planning and Statistics, Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund (PTF), Chairman of Committee III representing South – South, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), Author, politician and famer among others.

The sage, who defined corruption as a deceitful and immoral behavior by individuals, groups, corporations or institutions in power, typically involving the misuse of entrusted authority for personal gain said, the malaise has been a long standing problem in Nigeria, impacting various sectors of the economy and leading to significant economic, political and social challenges.

Some of the levels of corruption he said the country has gone through include; petty, political, grand, money laundering, corporate, resource mismanagement, transparency and accountability issues and systemic corruption among others.

Dr. Asikpo attributed causes of corruption in Nigeria to so many factors including weak governance and institution, lack of transparency, political influence and patronage, economic, lack of accountability, cultural and social norms, complex regulatory environment, globalization and transnational corruption, political instability and lack of ethical leadership.

Corruption in Nigeria he described as “white – collar, has revealed a cancerous spread which the country refused to treat at its early stages of development now becoming more pervasive and complex than the public service corruption.

Dr. Asikpo, however observed that, the prospect of meaningful national development in Nigeria depends largely on the maximum reduction of existing high level of corruption to a significant measure of tolerance.

That, strategic planning involving the reconstruction of our economic, political and social psychological imperatives, and a revolution of some of our cultural norms and the production of an uncanny political leadership was necessary.

According to him, “the liberation of the national development of Nigeria from the shackles of endemic and systemic corruption rests on the radical reconstruction of our decadent socioeconomic and sociopolitical systems that breed corruption”.

To address some of the problems of corruption in the country, the former university Don recommended for structural rigidity, poverty alleviation, employment opportunities, addressing educational needs, ideology of development, groundswell of ideology, jod/social security and economic wage for the citizenry.

Chairman of the occasion, Prof. Trenchard Ibia stated that, corruption in Nigeria has a character as everybody knows, feels and discussed about it but no Nigerian accepts he is corrupt describing corruption as, “misuse, abuse or misapplication of position, privilege for personal gain” noting that, the lecture was apt to address the issue of corruption among Nigerians.

Earlier, Chief host and Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences, Professor Uduak Ibom gave an outlook of corruption describing it as, “a serious and dreadful disease, virus and epidemic” that has ravaged many African countries including Nigeria stating that, corruption is negative human attitude, dishonesty, unethical and non- adherence to ethical principles, which usually results in embarrassment and diversion of public funds.

Prof. Ibom however said, since he observed corruption was thriving and becoming more alarming such that, the surname of an average Nigerian was fast changing to it without concerted effort to address it, the faculty found it necessary to address the issue in relation to it’s effects to national development.

The Vice – Chancellor of the University of Uyo, Prof. Nyaudoh Ndaeyo represented by DVC, Administration, Prof. Anthonia Essien commended the Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences, Prof. Ubom for organizing the public lecture saying, the topic was apt and impactful to national psyche.

According to the VC., “I thank the Dean of Management Sciences, Prof. Uduak Ubom for putting up this wonderful, incisive and practical lecture to address this national economic problem of corruption.

“There is nothing that can embarrass a nation like corruption and this lecture is a call to every Nigerian to stop corruption”.

While enjoining Nigerians to abhor corrupt practices, the VC advised the faculty to do more enlightenment of it’s public lecture especially, the town and gown so that more people can benefit from the lectures by resource persons.

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