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Wanted: Almajiri’s social reconstruction

Blueprint 4 days ago

On the eve of 2019 elections, my published article,’ letter from Almajiri’ fared well at the level of communicative competence. It attracted the attention of an activist with the Human Rights Commission and propelled him for a swift action on how to end the predicament of the almajiri. 

Driven by deep sympathy concerning the miserable condition of the innocent child as explored by the article, the concerned and disenchanted citizen contacted me, pledging that he would exploit the commission to communicate with the northern governors and traditional rulers to save millions of almajirai from lingering and unprecedented dehumanisation. To him, it was an ample opportunity to assiduously work for the almajiri and secure his future. For me, it was like a dream about to become true to see the almajiri living like every cared child.

However, we temporarily suspended our noble adventure to pave way for the impending elections then, as no governor seeking re-election would bother about the issue of a reformed almajiri. Also, those who were completing their second term were busy calculating what they would lose in monetary value after leaving the corridors of power. To those governors, the almajiri has no political value as they were not eligible to vote so as to generate their attention and appreciate their electoral power.

It is embarrassing that the almajiri is still left to survive on its own as it is completely abandoned to perish. Already, the North is doomed under the destruction of lives and properties perpetrated by the brutish bandits and insurgents. Is the almajiri not capable of becoming a security risk if his uncaring persists? Can we survive the doom of the almajirai?

Meanwhile, our jointly plotted project for a better and dignified life for the almajiri failed and collapsed eventually. The Human Rights Commission staff and I have lost contact to continue our pursuance of the humanitarian task. For now, our blatant insensitivity to the plight of the almajiri has continued to remain  a symbol of our shameful failure. But it is my hope that this piece will reconnect me with him or possibly other stakeholders who are ready to partake in the holistic campaign for the restoration of the usurped dignity of the almajiri. The severe pains and anguish of the almajirai have continued to manifest in our regional decay. For instance, dogs are better treated than the almajirai in many urban centres in the North.

I wish all the northern governors and our traditional rulers were in the compassionate position of that good samaritan of the Human Rights Commission. I fervently pray that one memorable day, they will synergise, deploy a strong political will and unanimously agree to save the almajiri and offer him a new lease of life. At least, the measure can be a proactive exercise against the deteriorating insecurity in the North. Changing almajiri’s tribulations to joy and happiness is beyond his power. He is fundamentally naive but we remain completely careless about his being.

This is my fifth article about the hopeless and wretched state of the almajiri. Three of these articles, ‘Almajiri: Letter to Northern Governors, Letter from Almajiri and Almajiri’s Next Level’ can be viewed via Google. With this, I have duly discharged my moral task communicating with the public about this increasing social cancer with a view to ensuring that the message will not be seen from the point of view of the messenger but the content is the messenger itself. There are many great lessons to learn from them. But such lessons will be irrelevant without prompt and appropriate actions for a renewed almajiri with a sense of social value and belonging.

We are living in a fool’s paradise trying to beautify the North with magnificent edifice and other infrastructure when the poor almajirai are continuously becoming the wretched of the North. This wretchedness is ubiquitous and occupying the physical space of our region. By and large, the reconstruction of the North begins with the reconstruction of the dejected almajiri. He deserves a befitting social reformation to meet the social requirements for a decent living. He is capable of moving the North forward if his potential is fully tapped. The despised class of the almajirai consists of about 10 million population, according to the UNICEF. This figure was supposed to be culled from an indigenous source not foreign one. But who really cares for the almajiri?  The ‘Almajiri nation’ does not do well for our collective survival and prosperity.

Human capital requires proper harnessing for the development of a people. Yet, the almajiri  human capital is plundered in the North with impunity. Those who are guilty of this gross child abuse and development sabotage and those who can avert them are answerable to Allah. The almajiri owes us the obligation of reconstructing his mind, body and soul. The institutions of love, piety and care are lacking in his existence. Who can respond to his emotional feelings and strengthen his faith in genuine citizenship?

Interestingly, there are many sonorous voices of diverse interests renting the air. But the almajiri’s voice is missing and deliberately muzzled, lacking the ability to defend, prosper and raise himself against the onslaught of parental, societal and governmental negligence. The uncared almajiri is a casualty of a dysfunctional system that exposes him to dangers. Sadly, the default and questionable system that puts him at great risks is allowed to strive and celebrate our social irresponsibility. Islamic teaching does well for the well being of all categories of children. 

How long will the almajiri continue to be exploited in the guise of seeking Islamic knowledge? When are we going to deploy the political will to reconstruct the life of the almajiri and make him a human resource to contribute to our development?

Abdu Abdullahi writes from Abuja.

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