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The 10 Strongest Force Powers in Star Wars, Ranked

collider.com 2 days ago
10 Strongest Force Powers in Star Wars, Ranked

In Star Wars, there isn't anything more iconic than the Force, the primary source of power for the Jedi and Sith. The Force is an energy field created by the collective life in the universe and, therefore, resides in all living things, and anyone in Star Wars can wield it. It goes by many names, too; the Lew'elans call it The Tide, and the Mustafarians call it The Life Current. However, certain beings that possess a high midi-chlorian count are more in tune with the Force and deemed force-sensitive.

Many force-sensitive people tend to become Jedi or Sith; with it, they can bend it and do things no other life form could imagine. Many force powers can aid the user, whether for good or evil. There are the iconic powers of the Force, such as force push and pull, and even non-canon abilities, like the thought bomb created when many Sith unify their willpower and detonate a bomb that destroys the force sensitivity of whatever is in its radius. While there are so many possible powers, specific canon force abilities prove the most useful and can be deemed the strongest.

10 Force Spirit

First Appearance: 'Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back' (1980)

The Force Ghosts of Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christiansen), Yoda (Frank Oz), and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) stand together looking proud in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.
Image via Lucasfilm

Force spirit is an iconic Star Wars force ability, introduced in the scene at the end of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, where Anakin, Yoda, and Obi-Wan all return to greet Luke after he triumphs over the Empire. This force ability allows the user to return to the world of the living as a ghost after death. Only strong users have mastered this power and often use it to guide the next generation of Jedi and give them helpful advice.

While force spirit isn't viable in combat scenarios, only the most powerful Jedi in Star Wars have been able to use this technique, such as Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn and Leia Organa. Jedi must undergo unknown training to achieve this and be pure of heart, which is why no Sith has obtained this power. Yoda demonstrated the ability to still use other force powers in this form in Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, making it extremely useful.

Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Film Poster
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

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Release Date
June 18, 1980
Irvin Kershner
Mark Hamill , Harrison Ford , Carrie Fisher , Billy Dee Williams , Anthony Daniels , David Prowse , Kenny Baker , Peter Mayhew , Frank Oz
124 minutes
Irvin Kershner , Lawrence Kasdan , George Lucas

9 Mind Tricks

First Appearance: 'Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope' (1977)

Image via Lucasfilm

Jedi Mind Tricks spawned the famous meme "These are not the droids you're looking for" in the iconic fictional town of Mos Eisley in 1977 with the original Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. This ability allows the user to change someone's perception or plant ideas in their head, almost like hypnosis. Other applications include persuasion, confusion, mind control, and fear. This technique is effective against the weak-minded, but certain species like the Hutts, Geonosians, Toydarians, Falleen, and the Dashade are immune.

Having the power to manipulate people at will is incredibly useful. Force users commonly use this power to escape unfavorable situations or sneak into undetected places. Obi-Wan can control a guy who sells death sticks to rethink his life, and Luke uses his power to meet with Jabba. While this power isn't effective on stronger opponents, it usually helps make things easier while avoiding unnecessary violence.

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

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8 Force Projection

First Appearance: 'Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi' (2017)

Image via Lucasfilm

Force projection is the ability to create a doppelganger and place it anywhere the user is able to. Once created, the user can control the projection as if it were really alive. Force projection is very taxing and could kill users who don't successfully use it. While this power needs to be explored further, users can create multiple versions if they are nearby.

While a relatively new force power, projection proved extremely useful for Luke in The Last Jedi. He was able to create an identical version of himself on the other side of the galaxy, which distracted the First Order until Rey and the others could escape. It takes massive concentration, and only the strongest Jedi, Luke Skywalker, has used this power thus far. This power can be used for distraction and intel, making it very powerful if used correctly.

Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi Film Poster
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

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Release Date
December 15, 2017
Rian Johnson
Daisy Ridley , John Boyega , Mark Hamill , Carrie Fisher , Adam Driver , Oscar Isaac , Andy Serkis , Lupita Nyong'O
152 minutes
Rian Johnson , George Lucas

7 Force Drain

First Canon Appearance: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir #4

Force Drain made its first legends appearance in Tales of the Jedi — The Sith War, a comic series published in 1995 that would make a great Disney+ TV show. It made its canon debut in Darth Maul — Son of Dathomir, another comic series published in 2014. This ability is commonly used by Sith and saps away the life force of the opponent used on it, giving the user newfound strength and vitality.

This mighty power kills two birds with one stone. It weakens the opponent and strengthens the user, exponentially increasing their power. It first appears in the sequel trilogy during Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, where Palpatine uses it simultaneously on Rey and Kylo Ren. Healing oneself while making oneself stronger is always a powerful ability that's even more potent in combat.

6 Force Choke

First Appearance: 'Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope' (1977)

Force choke is one of the most iconic powers in Star Wars. It is often used by Darth Vader and signifies the start of Anakin's downfall. This power allows the user to choke anyone within a certain distance with such Force that they can lift them. Force choke isn't just a Sith technique; many Jedi, including Luke and Ahsoka, have used it, sometimes out of rage and sometimes out of convenience.

Getting choked puts a person in a weird headspace of confusion and panic, which is perfect for force users in a combat scenario. This ability is used as a quick and efficient means of killing but also as intimidation. It sets the barrier between the two parties, letting the other know that the user is capable of great strength. When appropriately used, force choke can quickly incapacitate weaker soldiers and even put force users into a corner.

5 Force Lightning

First Appearance: 'Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi' (1983)

Image via Lucasfilm

Another widely known force ability is force lightning, which allows the user to generate electricity and shoot it at targets in lightning bolts. This terrifying force ability was first showcased in Return of the Jedi by Emperor Palpatine, but since then, many Sith have used the force power, including Count Dooku and Snoke.

Force lightning is another force ability best used in a combat scenario, as it can easily overpower Jedi. Emperor Palpatine used it to attack Yoda, Mace Windu, and Darth Vader. Despite its overwhelming strength, it can also be used against the user if appropriately deflected, making it a double-edged sword. Overall, force lightning is a devastating powercapable of beating the strongest of foes, but only the strongest have been able to master it.

Star Wars Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Film Poster
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

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4 Shatterpoint

First Canon Appearance: 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' (2008)

Palpatine talking to Anakin at the opera in Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith - 2005
Image via Lucasfilm

Shatterpoint was first introduced in the novel Shatterpoint and theorized to have happened in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Its first canon and known appearance was during Star Wars: The Clone Wars, during the Liberty on Ryloth episode. This power is very versatile, as it senses weakness in something. It is applicable to materials, events, and even people.

Mace Windu used shatterpoint on the glass to find the weak points and cracked and broke them. Palpatine sensed a shatterpoint event, where someone aboard the ship would play a massive part in the upcoming situation. The rumor is that Palpatine used shatterpoint on Anakin during the infamous opera scene in Revenge of the Sith, finding his weakness to manipulate him and create a perfect pupil for the dark side. Finding a weakness in anything is an incredible power, as it can bring down even the strongest of opponents or lead to galactic domination.

Star Wars The Clone Wars TV Show Poster
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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3 Force Heal

First Canon Appearance: 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' (2008)

Image via Lucasfilm

Introduced in the Altar of Mortis episode of the Clone Wars, force healing is the power to cure another person's wounds. The Daughter has used this power to save Ahsoka, Grogu to heal Greef Karga's arm, and Rey and Kylo Ren to use it on each other. Force healing can be used for simply patching up a cut or even for life-threatening injuries, but in the latter case, it may take the user's life.

Usually, when an ability is so strong, it comes at a cost; in the case of force healing, having the ability to save someone from dying comes at the ultimate cost of the user's life. There are many times when someone in Star Wars has lost due to a pre-existing injury, but with force healing, that wouldn't be an issue. The power is rare, and for good reason; not just anyone should be able to heal anything, only those genuinely skilled enough and willing to give some of their own life away.

2 Force Storm

First Canon Appearance: 'Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker' (2019)

Image via Lucasfilm

A relatively new entry in the Star Wars universe, Force Storm made its canon debut in The Rise of Skywalker but was first introduced in Dark Empire #1, a comic series. The Sith mainly uses this ability as it is a dark side power and creates hyperspace wormholes capable of destroying planets and anything that gets in its way.

Force storm is a challenging ability to wield and even tougher to control when created, so only the strongest Sith in Star Wars have been able to use this power. Palpatine used it to destroy many starships and displayed incredible feats of strength by creating lightning and opening a wormhole. The power tears open the space-time continuum and can even destroy planets, making it stronger than most other force powers thanks to its massive scale.

Poster for Star Wars Episode Episode 9 the Rise of Skywalker
Star Wars: Episode IX- The Rise of Skywalker

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Release Date
December 18, 2019
J.J. Abrams
Carrie Fisher , Mark Hamill , Adam Driver , Daisy Ridley , John Boyega , Oscar Isaac
Chris Terrio , J.J. Abrams , Derek Connolly , Colin Trevorrow , George Lucas

1 Force Life Creation

First Appearance: 'Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith' (2005)

Image via Disney+

In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Force Life Creation was initially mentioned by Palpatine. However, it has recently resurfaced in The Acolyte with the Witches and The Thread. This unique force power is self-explanatory; it is the ability to create life using the Force or gain immortality. Darth Plagueis used this ability by manipulating midi-chlorians to expand his life, Palpatine created force clones into which he could put his consciousness, and The Witches even created a baby using the Force.

While creating life won't help in a fight, it is undoubtedly the most impressive feat a force user can accomplish. The Force was created through life, so creating life through the Force feels like a full-circle moment. Plagueis was the only one to create life through his technique, although it is theorized that he learned it from the Witches in The Acolyte. The Force can do many incredible things, but creating and prolonging life takes it to a new realm of power. Birth is already considered a miracle, so creating life through the Force is an unparalleled power that most major players don't have in Star Wars.

Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Film Poster
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

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