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The Acolyte Episode 6: Why Osha Doesn’t Kill Qimir?

comingsoon.net 2 days ago
The Acolyte
Credits: Disney Plus

Star Wars: The Acolyte Episode 6 is out and there are many theories and questions on social media regarding the ending. However, there is one question that is etched in the minds of viewers. There is a climatic confrontation in episode 6 between Osha and Qimir as Osha questions him about killing her friends. So, fans are wondering why Osha did not kill Qimir despite having the chance.

Here is everything you need to know about why Osha did not kill Qimir and if she will become the villain in the future.

Why does Osha let Qimir live in The Acolyte Episode 6?

Osha let Qimir live in The Acolyte Episode 6 because she believes a Jedi never attacks the unarmed.

In the Acolyte Episode 6, Osha is seen confronting Qimir demanding answers as to why he killed her friends. Qimir asks if the lord hesitated to send her in as Jecki would not have come close due to the Jedi Code. Osha makes it clear that she is not as easily manipulated as her sister and tries to leave when Qimir asks her to kill him with his lightsaber. However, she tells him that the Jedi does not attack the unarmed. Although she wields the lightsaber on his provocation that the Jedi left her due to her pain, she lets him go and follows him as he leaves.

Will Osha become the villain of Star Wars: The Acolyte?

Osha is likely to become the villain as Qimir tries to manipulate her against the Jedi.

As Osha refuses to kill Qimir following the principles of the Jedi, Qimir tells her she shouldn’t call herself a Jedi. He tells her that the Jedi does not want her due to her emotional anger and pain. Emir tells her that when one loses everything, they are free, similar to Osha’s situation. He breaks through Osha’s turmoil claiming that his path to The Force does not require her to give up on her emotions. So, Qimir believes that if he manages to pull Osha to the dark side, she can turn into a villain.

Will Osha kill in The Acolyte?

If Qimir manipulates Osha and she becomes a Sith Lord, she can kill anyone going against The Jedi.

Qimir wants to destroy the dream of the Jedi and seek revenge against Mae for betraying him. He realizes that Osha is different from her sister and she can become a better Acolyte. As he has said earlier, one cannot kill the Jedi with a weapon and an Acoloyte can only harm them by killing their dream. At the end of the episode, Osha puts on Qimir’s helmet with her breath resembling Darth Vader. So, Osha can become a Sith Lord fulfilling Qimir’s desire to kill the Jedi with an Acoloyte of his own. However, Osha can still foil his plans and the helmet might protect her if needed.

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