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Tinubu’s legal move to secure local government autonomy: A masterstroke in governance

Blueprint 2024/9/29

In a bold and strategic manoeuvre, President Bola Tinubu’s administration has taken definitive action to secure the autonomy of local governments in Nigeria. This initiative, bypassing the traditional legislative route, seeks to establish local governments as fully autonomous third-tier government through the Supreme Court. This approach marks a significant departure from previous attempts by former Presidents Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari, whose efforts at constitutional reforms were thwarted by the overwhelming influence of state governors over the state houses of assembly.

The Attorney General of the Federation, Prince Lateef Fagbemi, has brought this contentious matter before the Supreme Court. The government’s petition includes requests for an injunction to prevent state governors from unilaterally dissolving elected local councils, a mandate for the direct allocation of funds to local governments from the Federation Account, and a prohibition against governors establishing interim caretaker committees to manage local government affairs.

This move is a clever strategy to overcome the entrenched resistance from state governors who have historically dominated local government administration. If the Supreme Court rules in favour of the federal government, it will ensure compliance with the Constitution.

Local governments in Nigeria have long been stifled by state governors who use their influence to misuse council funds, often appointing loyalists to key positions rather than allowing for democratic elections. This practice has led to poor service delivery and a lack of accountability at the local level. The federal government’s current litigation seeks to end these undemocratic practices by ensuring that local governments are run by elected officials who can directly access their allocated funds and govern independently.

The implications of this move are profound. By securing local government autonomy through the courts, President Tinubu’s administration is not only reinforcing democratic principles but also enhancing governance at the grassroots level. This strategy, if successful, will empower local governments to fulfil their mandate of providing essential services and addressing the needs of their communities more effectively.

Critically, this approach also highlights the federal government’s commitment to uphold the Constitution and promote the rule of law. By turning to the judiciary, the administration underscores the importance of legal recourse in resolving constitutional disputes and ensuring that the principles of federalism are respected.

Moreover, this initiative could pave the way for further reforms in Nigeria’s federal structure. The ongoing legal battle may serve as a precedent for other governance issues, demonstrating that strategic legal action can effectively overcome political resistance and enact meaningful change.

President Tinubu’s attempt to secure local government autonomy through the Supreme Court is a masterstroke of political strategy. It addresses a long-standing issue in Nigerian governance and sets a new standard for utilizing the judiciary to achieve constitutional reforms. As the nation awaits the Supreme Court’s judgment, this move signifies a critical step towards strengthening democratic governance and ensuring local governments can operate effectively and independently.

Granting autonomy to local governments in Nigeria can bring numerous benefits to the people. For example, a localized strategy to enhance agricultural production can flourish, generating job opportunities that help reduce insecurity and empower youth through active participation in community development. This autonomy can also diminish rural-urban migration, boost internally generated revenue for local councils, and decrease reliance on the state and federal government for growth and development. Moreover, local government autonomy improves efficiency, accountability, and responsiveness to community needs, fostering socio-economic development at the grassroots level. It strengthens the bond between citizens and democracy, promoting unbiased and inclusive participation while encouraging greater productivity, teamwork, and a positive organizational culture.

Public support is crucial for the success of the Federal Government’s initiative to liberate local governments from the control of state governors. When the public rallies behind this move, it creates a robust mandate that can drive the changes and ensure the implementation of policies promoting it. Citizen advocacy can pressure state governments to relinquish their hold over local councils, fostering a more democratic and participatory governance structure. Public backing also helps raise awareness about local government autonomy’s benefits, mobilizing communities to engage actively in the political process and hold their leaders accountable. This collective effort can lead to sustainable development, as empowered local governments are better positioned to address the unique needs of their communities, thus ensuring that the initiative reaches its full potential and delivers tangible improvements in the quality of life for all Nigerians.

Engr Awal Ibrahim Mohammed can be reached via
[email protected]

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