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Housing ministry signs performance contracts with Directors, departments’ heads

Blueprint 3 days ago

Directors and Heads of the department that the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development,  Thursday, signed  performance contracts to boost their efficiency.

Speaking at the event, which was held at the ministry headquarters in Abuja, the Permanent Secretary, ary,.Dr. Marcus O. Ogubiyi said the contract signing was to align with the Presidential Mandate and the directive from the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation.

He emphasised that the Performance Management System is a key pillar of ongoing reforms within the Federal Civil Service, aiming to ensure the Ministry remains a leader among Ministries, Extra-Ministerial Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) in implementing these reforms.

Ogunbiyi expressed his pleasure with the efforts of the Direcof tor, Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS),  Mr. Bala Saulawa, and the Technical Team, whose dedication, he aided was instrumental in making this event a reality.

“Under the visionary leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Ministry has been mandated to drive Pillar 5 of the Presidential Priorities, focusing on “Transportation and Infrastructure as enablers of growth.” This mandate is part of the broader framework for the Ministerial Performance Management System Plan (MPMS), developed from the National Development Plan and the Federal Civil Service Strategies and Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (FCSSIP25)”,  he said.

. Ogunbiyi stressed that the performance of each department directly impacts the overall performance of the Ministry., and urged the Directors to ensure their departments do not become a bottleneck to the Ministry’s success in delivering critical projects that drive the nation’s growth.

He, however,  reiterated his support for the Directors in achieving their objectives and emphasised the importance of cascading the signing of performance contracts to subordinates within the next two weeks.

Ogunbiyi expressed his gratitude for the Directors’ commitment and optimism about the future and called on all members of the Ministry to work together to harness the transformative power of infrastructure, creating sustainable growth and prosperity for Nigeria.

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