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RSU Students Protest Manhandling Of Colleague By Man ‘O’ War

The Tide News Online 2024/6/26

Academic and other social activities in Rivers State University were temporarily shut down last Thursday following a protest embarked upon by students of the institution over the alleged manhandling of a student by some personnel of Man ‘O’ War in the institution.
The protest, The Tide gathered, was as a result of assault meted out to Mr. Victor Tobin, a 300 level student of Sociology, who was allegedly brutalised by the faculty personnel of Man ‘O’ War on Wednesday, which resulted in serious injuries on the student’s eye.
A source, who spoke under condition of anonymity, said the brutalised student allegedly walked on the pavement at the Man ‘O’ War office located at Hostel F and was accosted by some of the personnel who queried him on why he walked through their office and subsequently allegedly assaulted the student.
According to the source, the protesters demanded the disbandment of the institution’s Man ‘O’ War over the alleged gross human rights abuses and the manhandling of their colleague.
Our correspondent reports that Police officers from Nkpolu, Mile 3 Division, were quickly drafted to the scene of the protest to prevent any breakdown of law and order in the state-owned university.
Speaking on the incident, the President of Students Union Government (SUG) of the institution, Comrade Omubo-Pepple Abinye, in a telephone interview, said “Firstly I have to express my complete displeasure with the Man O War for carrying out that brutal act on one of my students and understand the frustration of my students that protested today.
“I expressed my displeasure to the VC last night and he immediately set up a meeting with management, SUG and Man O War, so we can have a fair hearing on the matter and a decision can be taken on the Man O War on campus.
“That meeting was abruptly halted when we got wind of the protest and had to rush down there to restore order to our peaceful and loving students who were simply displeased with the act carried out on one of their own.
“Myself, DSA, and VC all addressed the students and the VC assured the students that a judgment will be reached tomorrow morning in a meeting. Our peaceful student eventually dispersed to their respective classrooms”.
Meanwhile, the management of the university in a statement signed by the Acting Registrar, Mrs I. B. S. Harry, said the university is handling the matter with a view to resolving it.
“This is to inform parents and the general public that on Wednesday 12th June, 2024, there was a misunderstanding between some students and members of the Man O’ War at Hostel F in the Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, which resulted in physical injury on a student on Campus.
“In order to resolve the misunderstanding and avert further action, the University’s Management promptly held an emergency meeting on Thursday, 13th June, 2024 with the executives of the Students Union Government and the Man O’ War, to ascertain the remote and immediate causes of the problem.”
“The University’s Management intends to hold another meeting tomorrow (Friday 14th June 2024) to meet with those involved, but were not present at today’s meeting to finally resolve the issue.
“We assure parents and guardians that the matter has been brought under control and lectures are ongoing. Students are, therefore, advised to go about their lawful activities on Campus”, the statement read.

By: Akujobi Amadi

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