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10 Expert Tips For Maximizing Range In Your Electric Car

topspeed.com 2 days ago
Front three-quarters shot of a 2025 BMW i4 Charging

Electric vehicles are rapidly becoming a popular choice for many drivers, thanks to their environmental benefits, lower running costs, and increasingly competitive purchase prices. However, one of the most important considerations for EV owners is maximizing the range of their vehicles.

As technology advances, EVs offer increasingly impressive mileage, yet maximizing this range remains a crucial concern for many drivers. Whether you're embarking on a long road trip or simply navigating your daily commute, understanding the nuances of EV efficiency can significantly extend your travel distance and enhance your overall driving experience. Here are some practical strategies and expert tips designed to help you get the most out of your EV's battery, mastering regenerative braking, optimizing driving habits, leveraging charging infrastructure, and maintaining your vehicle to keep it running longer and stronger.

In order to give you the most up-to-date and accurate information possible, the data used to compile this article was sourced from various manufacturer websites and other authoritative sources.

Tesla Model 3 Cleaning

Though the nurturing of your EV isn’t vastly different from how you take care of conventional vehicles, certain things need a little extra care

1 Use Regenerative Braking

2024 Lexus RZ 300e Luxury Interior
Photo: Justin Kaehler

Regenerative braking is one of the key technologies that set EVs apart from traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. It allows the vehicle to recover energy that would otherwise be lost during braking and use it to recharge the battery.

When you lift your foot off the accelerator in an EV, the electric motor switches to generator mode. Instead of using traditional friction brakes to slow down, the motor's resistance helps to decelerate the car. This process converts the vehicle's kinetic energy back into electrical energy, which is then stored in the battery for later use.

To maximize range, take advantage of regenerative braking as much as possible. Anticipate stops and reduce speed gradually, rather than relying on the brake pedal. Many EVs also offer adjustable regeneration settings, allowing you to increase the regenerative braking effect for more efficient energy recovery.

2 Maintain A Steady Speed

Interior of the 2019 Tesla Model S

Driving at a consistent speed is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to extend your EV's range. Rapid acceleration and frequent changes in speed consume more energy than maintaining a steady pace. Highway driving, while typically more efficient in traditional vehicles, can be less so in EVs due to increased aerodynamic drag at higher speeds. Aim to drive at moderate speeds and use cruise control when possible. Cruise control helps to maintain a constant speed, reducing the energy expenditure associated with acceleration and deceleration.

In urban settings, where stop-and-go traffic is common, smooth and gradual acceleration and deceleration will help conserve energy. By planning your driving and avoiding aggressive driving behaviors, you can significantly increase your vehicle's range.

3 Precondition The Cabin While On Charge

BMW i5M60 Interior Main Dash View
Lyndon Conrad Bell - Photography

Preconditioning your EV's cabin while it's still plugged in can have a substantial impact on its range. EVs consume significant amounts of energy to heat or cool the cabin, especially in extreme weather conditions. By preconditioning the interior while the car is charging, you can use electricity from the grid rather than depleting your battery.

Most modern EVs come equipped with preconditioning features that can be controlled via a smartphone app. Set the desired cabin temperature before you start your journey, and the vehicle will use the charging power to achieve that temperature. This way, you can start your trip with a comfortable cabin and a fully charged battery, maximizing your driving range.

4 Optimize Your Route

2025 Volvo EX30 Google Maps

Planning your route effectively can make a big difference in your EV's range. Different routes may have varying elevations, traffic conditions, and speed limits, all of which can affect energy consumption. Use navigation systems or apps designed for EVs, which can suggest the most energy-efficient routes. These tools often take into account factors like traffic, road conditions, and charging station locations.

Avoid routes with steep inclines or heavy traffic whenever possible, as these can significantly reduce your range. Incorporating regular stops at charging stations into your journey planning can also help. This ensures that you can recharge your battery as needed and avoid running low on power.

5 Monitor Tire Pressure

Woman in yellow checking tire pressure
New Africa via Shutterstock

Maintaining the correct tire pressure is crucial for any vehicle, but it's especially important for EVs. Underinflated tires increase rolling resistance, which can reduce your vehicle's efficiency and decrease its range. Check your tire pressure regularly, ideally once a month or before long trips. Follow the manufacturer's recommended pressure levels, which are usually found in the owner's manual or on a sticker inside the driver's door.

Properly inflated tires not only improve range but also enhance safety and tire lifespan. Some EVs are equipped with tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) that alert you when tire pressure is low, making it easier to keep your tires in optimal condition.

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6 Use Eco Mode Whenever Possible

2025 Toyota Camry Drive Modes

Most EVs come with various driving modes, including an eco-mode specifically designed to maximize efficiency. When activated, eco-mode adjusts several vehicle parameters to reduce energy consumption.

In eco mode, the throttle response is typically less aggressive, encouraging smoother acceleration. The climate control system may also be adjusted to use less energy, and the top speed might be limited to reduce aerodynamic drag. Using eco mode can significantly extend your EV's range, especially in urban environments where frequent stops and starts are common.

7 Limit Use Of HVAC Systems

Genesis Electrified G80 

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are among the largest energy consumers in an EV. To maximize range, use these systems judiciously. In cold weather, using the seat heaters or steering wheel heater is more efficient than heating the entire cabin. These localized heating options consume less energy and can keep you comfortable without a significant impact on range.

In hot weather, use the air conditioning sparingly. Park in shaded areas to keep the car cooler and use the windows to ventilate the cabin before turning on the AC. Many EVs also offer eco settings for climate control, which can help reduce energy consumption while still maintaining a reasonable level of comfort.

8 Reduce Weight And Drag

GMC Hummer EV Towing

Reducing the weight and aerodynamic drag of your vehicle can have a significant impact on its range. Extra weight requires more energy to move, and increased drag makes the motor work harder, especially at higher speeds. Remove unnecessary items from your vehicle to reduce weight. This includes roof racks or carriers when they are not in use, as they can also create additional drag. Streamline the exterior of your car as much as possible to minimize aerodynamic resistance.

Additionally, consider the impact of aftermarket modifications. Some accessories, while visually appealing or functionally useful, can increase drag or weight, reducing efficiency and range. Stick to modifications that do not negatively impact the vehicle's aerodynamics or weight.

9 Avoid Frequent Fast Charging

2023 Nissan Ariya charging options

While fast charging is convenient, especially for long trips, it can have a negative impact on your EV's battery health and range over time. Frequent fast charging generates more heat and stress for the battery, potentially leading to accelerated degradation.

Whenever possible, use slower, Level 2 chargers for regular charging. These chargers are less stressful on the battery and help maintain its health over the long term. Save fast charging for when it's absolutely necessary, such as on long road trips or when you're in a hurry. Proper charging habits, including avoiding charging to 100-percent or letting the battery drop below 20-percent, can also help extend the battery's lifespan and maintain its efficiency.

10 Keep The Car Well-Maintained

Blue Kia EV6

Regular maintenance is essential for any vehicle, and EVs are no exception. Keeping your EV in good condition ensures that all components are functioning efficiently, which in turn maximizes range. Schedule regular check-ups with a qualified technician who understands electric vehicles. This includes routine checks of the battery, electric motor, and other critical systems. Ensure that software updates are installed promptly, as manufacturers often release updates that can improve efficiency and performance.

Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommended service intervals for components like brakes and tires. Well-maintained brakes and tires contribute to better energy efficiency and overall vehicle performance. Maximizing the range of your electric vehicle involves a combination of smart driving habits, effective use of vehicle features, and regular maintenance. By following these ten strategies, you can make the most of every charge, reduce your environmental impact, and enjoy the benefits of electric driving to the fullest.

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