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FRSC to withdraw licences of recalcitrant drivers

thenewsguru.com 2 days ago

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) will henceforth revoke the driver’s licences of  recalcitrant drivers.

Corps Marshal, Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Malam Shehu Mohammed, made this known on Friday in Abuja while addressing newsmen on the outcome of the 2024 Eid-el Kabir Special Patrol Operations held between Friday June 14 to Sunday June 23.

He said that the Corps had realised more than ever before the increasing need for collective participation and collaboration of all stakeholders.

He also said the Corps leveraged on this as a necessary variable tool that would helped in achieving the mileage recorded within the periods under consideration.

According to him, prominent amongst these activities are ;strengthened ongoing Inter-agency Joint Task Force (JTF) to mitigate the excesses of trailer drivers.

“Enforcing compliance on indiscriminate use of trailers to convey human beings.

“This is also including aggressive public enlightenment, robust media engagement and aggressive advocacy campaigns carried out in motor parks across the Federation.

“Finally, there was also the identification and mapping of strategic routes across the country and effective deployment of appropriate personnel and logistics to cover them, “he said.

The FRSC boss said that the Corps had a robust engagement with the leadership of the various Transport Unions, and Security Agencies.

This, he said included State Traffic Management Agencies and the FCT Department of Road Traffic Services.

“All these where done to ensure that every stakeholder, both in public and private sector plays cardinal role in entrenching safety on the highways.

“On the strength of the foregoing, may I bring to your notice that we have added to the conventional enforcement of traffic regulations on articulated vehicles.

“We have gone a step further by commencing prosecution of recalcitrant drivers through Mobile Court operations in the 36 States of the Federation and the FCT.

“Subsequently, more drastic measures including suspension and withdrawal of the national drivers license will be carried out, “he said.

Prior to the commencement of the year 2024 Sallah special patrol, the FRSC Corps Marshal had spoken on the mileage to achieve in bringing down the curve of road traffic crashes.

These include fatalities, injuries as well as traffic offenders on the nation’s highways.

FRSC arrested 5,014 traffic offenders during Sallah operations

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), arrested 5,014 traffic offenders in its Eid-el Kabir special patrol operations, the Corps Marshal, Malam Shehu Mohammed, has said.

Mohammed, while briefing newsmen on Friday in Abuja, said that the figure was 22 per cent above the 4,116 offenders arrested within the same period in 2023.

Mohammed said that the nationwide patrol started on Friday, June 14, and ended on Sunday, June 23.

He listed the offences to include seat belt violations, phoning while driving, beating traffic, overloading vehicles with goods and humans, among others.

He reaffirmed his commitment to reducing crashes on the highways and ensuring sanity at all cost.

“Since taking over as the 8th Corps Marshal, I have ensured that the Corps move beyond rhetoric to action.

“A number of concrete actions have been taken which contributed to the successes we have achieved so far.

“Being aware of the challenges confronting the actualisation of our corporate mandate, we have left no stone unturned in our quest to make the roads safe.

“Part of our resolve is to consolidate on the gains recorded so far through the strategic combat operations of the Inter-agency Joint Task Force.

“We have decided to sustain the tempo by extending the operations of the JTF to other critical corridors across the nation.

“The essence of this extension is to give it a holistic approach,” he said.

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