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Understanding Teen Anxiety: Tips from Psychologists to Help Your Child

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

When raising a teenager, it's common to encounter behaviors like slamming doors, throwing tantrums, and unexpected crying. But, are these really just signs of teenage angst or something more serious? Psychologists suggest that these could be signs of anxiety that parents need to be aware of and address. Recognizing Anxiety Signs: Psychologists point out that when feeling anxious, teenagers may exhibit fight, flight, freeze, or fawn responses. Parents may witness panic attacks, crying, or shutdown behaviors, all of which could be manifestations of anxiety. Top Tips for Parents: 1. Validate their Feelings: Instead of downplaying their emotions, parents should listen and validate their children's fears. Talking about your own experiences with anxiety can help them feel understood. 2. Share Personal Experiences: Normalizing anxiety by sharing personal stories helps teenagers realize that they are not alone in their struggles. 3. Timing is Everything: It's important not to pressure a child during an anxiety attack. Giving them space and time to calm down before discussing coping strategies is key. By understanding the signs of anxiety and following these tips, parents can better support their teenagers through these challenging times.

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