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Trump Told By Family Member To Drop Out

wrestling-edge.com 1 day ago
The aftermath of President Joe Biden's shaky debate performance has sparked discussions and speculations within the Democratic Party, particularly around potential replacements on the...
The aftermath of President Joe Biden's debate performance against Donald Trump has revealed a stark contrast in public perception and internal concerns within the...

Mary Trump, Donald Trump’s niece, criticized President Joe Biden’s debate performance against Donald Trump, describing it as “apocalyptically disastrous” based on metrics like honesty, policy, vision for America, and defense of democracy. She was surprised that despite Biden’s poor showing, no pundits or Republican officials had called on Donald Trump to drop out of the race. This commentary reflects Mary Trump’s assessment of the debate’s impact and her perspective on the reactions from political commentators and leaders.


Mary Trump, in her commentary, criticizes both President Joe Biden’s and her uncle, Donald Trump’s, performances in the recent debate. She acknowledges Biden’s poor performance but contrasts it sharply with what she perceives as Donald Trump’s disastrous showing based on metrics like honesty, policy, vision for America, and defense of democracy.

Mary Trump expresses surprise that despite Donald Trump’s performance, no pundits or Republican officials called for him to drop out of the race. She criticizes the debate moderators for allowing Donald Trump to spread what she describes as lies without proper challenge. Despite Biden’s shortcomings in the debate, Mary Trump emphasizes Biden’s qualities, including his economic record and his stance against her uncle’s actions. She concludes by affirming her support for Biden over her uncle, citing Biden’s decency and belief in democracy as reasons for her preference.

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