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Drivers warned 'ultra' speed cameras can fine you even if you aren't speeding

westerntelegraph.co.uk 2 days ago

Drivers warned new 'ultra' speed cameras can see inside cars

The new speed cameras can "spy inside cars" and could leave you with a fine of up to £1,000 even if you weren't breaking the speed limit <i>(Image: Getty/yevtony)</i>
The new speed cameras can "spy inside cars" and could leave you with a fine of up to £1,000 even if you weren't breaking the speed limit (Image: Getty/yevtony)

Drivers have been warned that new 'ultra' speed cameras, which are being trialled by a number of UK police forces, could fine them even if they aren't speeding.

The new cameras, which use artificial intelligence, are being used by ten police forces across the country and could be rolled out nationally if they prove successful.

The technology will automatically be able to detect if motorists are using phones or not using seatbelts.

The high-tech cameras can detect if you are breaking the law, and pass the images on to the police for action to be taken.

Drivers can be fined up to £500 for not wearing a seatbelt in addition to penalty points, and using a mobile phone while driving can result in a fine of up to £1,000 and six penalty points.

The police forces taking part in the trial are: Durham, Greater Manchester, Humberside, Staffordshire, West Mercia, Northamptonshire, Wiltshire, Norfolk, Thames Valley and Sussex.

Jake Smith, director of Absolute Reg, told drivers: “The introduction of the AI cameras will inevitably catch many drivers out on UK roads, leaving them with hefty fines and penalties.

“Although it is illegal to hold or use a phone while driving, or travel without a seatbelt, unfortunately, many motorists fail to follow the rules.

“The cameras can spy inside a vehicle to catch law-breaking drivers and send their details to the police.

“The implementation of the new AI technology may seem like another ploy to get money from motorists, but introducing them is a positive step forward in making Britain's roads safer.

“The cameras should make drivers think twice before driving dangerously, and reduce incidents where people are killed or seriously injured.

“Motorists should expect other police forces across the UK to be rolling out these AI cameras and should ensure they are always driving safely and following the rules of the road.

“We expect the AI camera system will be deployed nationwide promptly once proven successful in police trials and catch out thousands of offenders.”

The National Highways trial of the new cameras began in February and will continue until March 2025.

“We know that distracted driving and not wearing seatbelts were key factors in a high number of incidents that resulted in people being killed or seriously injured,” said National Highways’ Head of National Road User Safety Delivery, Matt Staton. 

“Working with our police partners, we want to reduce such dangerous driving and reduce the risks posed to both the drivers and other people. We believe that using technology like this will make people seriously consider their driving behaviour. 

“We will continue to invest in technology that could help make sure everyone using our roads gets home safe and well.”

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