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Magwi citizens alarmed over UPDF barracks in Poge

radiotamazuj.org 2024/10/5

The Acholi community has raised concerns over the weekend about the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) encroaching on South Sudanese territory and establishing a military barracks near Poge in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State.

According to the community, the UPDF is patrolling South Sudanese territory, harassing, and threatening farmers along the borders.

Ojok Francis, Coordinator for the Pajok Community, voiced these concerns to the Eastern Equatoria State leadership, noting that the UPDF has already set up a barracks within Acholi community centers in Poge.

Ojok urged the state government to promptly deploy forces to protect and rescue farmers in the area. “The UPDF has established a barracks within our community center and patrols the area. Recently, they threatened the community around Poge, possibly due to concerns about a nearby road. Just yesterday, they chased farmers away. The small force we have in Poge is insufficient to protect us; we need more personnel to ensure the safety of our people,” he explained.

Benjamin Pole-Pole Olum, Commissioner of Magwi County, confirmed to Radio Tamazuj Tuesday that UPDF forces have encroached into South Sudanese territory. He stated that this encroachment is creating fear and panic among the Acholi communities, especially the farmers, and is beyond his control.

“The border encroachment is indeed happening, significantly hindering us. The worst part is the harassment by the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) towards my community. They are disturbing our farmers whenever they go to farm in the border areas. This situation is excessive and difficult for me, as commissioner, to tolerate,” he confirmed.

Louis Lobong Lojore, the Governor of Eastern Equatoria State, responded by stating that issues concerning international borders are the responsibility of the national government. He urged the Acholi community to remain calm, assuring them that the state government is working diligently with the national government to send forces to address the issue.

“The issue of the international border is the sole responsibility of the national government. Our role is to monitor the situation, communicate with local authorities, and report serious incidents to Juba. If there are misbehaviours from the soldiers on the other side, our soldiers will address it. We have many issues and do not want to create conflict with our neighbours. We have just come from a conflict on the Sudanese border and do not want any problems here, especially as our soldiers are not receiving salaries. We do not want conflict,” Governor Lobong said.

Radio Tamazuj attempted to contact SSPDF Spokesperson Maj General Lual Ruai Koang for comment, but he was unavailable to respond.

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